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Your P. O. V.

Moana and me stood on the boat as Maui pushed it into the water, he actually didn't let us do it. I sighed sitting with my back against the mast. He struggled, apparently it got kind of stuck on the sand, he pushed harder and then the boat slipped away from him, making him fall face firts in the sand. I contained a giggle with my hand, that Moana girl looked at me weirdly. Maui then jumped on the boat. "Alright, lead the way" I heard Maui say to Moana.

"Okay, get ready, we need to pass the reef. Grab on something, it is kind of rough" She said, pulling the sail, accelerating. Actually, I didn't mind how 'rough' it was, I'll make it smoother. I leaned a bit on the edge of the boat, glancing at the coral reef tides. - They're not that much of a deal, but is she says they are, then they are for the boat -

Smaller tides

I ordered to the ocean, after all the time alone I eventually learned how to order it without talking, I consider this rather convenient. The tides decreased, allowing the boat a smooth pass by the reef. I smiled to myself and fidled with my fingers around. - And now we wait -

Moana's P. O. V.

- Huh... I thought the tides were bigger today, since today is full moon. Ugh... I need to think of something to scare her- I snarled as their backs were turned to me - I've half an hour it's not going to be hard anyways. - I took a deep breath, letting it out through my mouth as a sigh. I stretched my neck and hands a bit, making them pop occasionally.

I heard snickers coming from Maui and her. - What's so funny about her?!?! - I glanced around thinking.

- Now... what can I do here, surrounded with water...! - My face lit up as an idea flooded. I chuckled mischievously and accelerated making her almost fell into the water. She yelped and held tightly to the first thing she could... Maui caught her... - AHHHHHHHHHHJJHHHHHHJ!!!!!! STUPID MAUI!!! YOU RUINED IT YOU DORK!!! - I huffed, and they glanced at me. "Ops, I though it was a small tide, my bad" I lied putting on a fake smile, they bought it and turned around dismissing me.

I kept thinking and thinking, but their laughter and their talking didn't let me concentrate on a new plan. I felt I had to use the ocean somehow to scare her, she does- - Oh gosh how stupid I am, I have to use the ocean, literally! - I smirked "Hey (Y/N)!" I called.

"Huh? What is it?" She asked turning around.

"Check this out!" I chirped and yelled throwing my arms up.  "Take me!!"



- This has never happened before... Now I look like a lunatic... -

"Um... Do you... need help?" (Y/N) asked slowly, her pitch getting higher.

I grumbled and huffed. "No, thank you" I answered.

"What are you going?" Maui asked.

"Trying to show her the water 'thing'" I growled between my teeth, loud enough for Maui to hear, I can't have that girl to know.

He lifted a brow smirking. "Trying to show her that?" He chuckled and glanced at (Y/N). His eyes were bright... I need to get rid of her quick.

I supressed a growl and stomped towards her. "Heeeeeyyyyyy" I said casually, making her glance at me.

"Hmph" - Should I- f*ck it, I'll just say it-

"Do you like the tides? ~" I purred pushing her a bit to the edge of the boat. She glanced to the water, and sweat appeared on her neck. - Gotcha -

"U-uh" She stuttered.

"Moana, what are you doing?" I heard Maui say.

"The coolness of the  water perhaps~?" I grinned pushing her a bit more.

"Moana, stop it"

I made a thoughtful expression, tapping my chin. "How about... if we have a small swim~? "

"Moana that's enough!" Maui yelled, turning me around, and ditching me. "We are going back now" He said sternly at me, as he moved (Y/N) away from the edge. "I don't know what's gotten into you, but you deal it a different way, not with her, understood?" He mumbled, so only I could hear. I glanced at the girl, who just averted her gaze from us, rubbing her forearms. "Understood?" Maui repeated a bit louder.

I gazed back at Maui, nodding meekly, somewhat angered. "Good" He said and turned to her.

I grabbed the row clutching it tightly, I feared I may crush it, since it creaked. I snarled and guided the boat back to the island...

I need to think if another plan... this time, when Maui isn't around.



And today's question is!! *Drums*

Have you seen someone around that looks exactly like a celebrity and you squeal and think they actually are that person? If yes, Have you talked to them, and realized they weren't? XD

I saw a dude at boxing (I train box btw) and he looked just like Jason Todd, Ik he's from a comic, but stilllll.

I was squealing silently :'v

I should have said hi....

Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Where stories live. Discover now