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(I recommend paying attention to the lyrics)

A long time ago...

The gods created the world...

At the time, it was simple...

Valleys, mountains, and occasional chasms...

But, they realized they could do even more...

The world soon turned into their canvas...

Their imagination was like no other...

Soon all types of minerals, elements, and climates surrounded the newborn world...

The gods were satisfied with the results, but one...

Te Fiti knew it could be even better...

So she created life...

Plants, insects, humans, merpeople, fish, birds, monsters...

Every creature known...

They soon started modifying the world around them...

Shaping it to their necessities...

It was wonderful...


Humans proved to be a mistake...

They started killing other creatures out of jealousy...

Humans thought Te Fiti had preferences over merpeople...

Merpeople were annihilated...

Their excuse?...

"Their tails are useful against sickness" ...

"Their souls are warm and have different uses"...

"They are aggressive"...

Now they believed no one was better than them...

Days passed, and salty water started flooding the world...

Days turned into weeks, then months, years and so on...

It stopped flooding eons later...

The great ocean was created...


As weird as this may sound, the gods knew this was going to happen...

They created the stars not far after Te Fiti created life...

Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Where stories live. Discover now