🛥 😨

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Moana's P. O. V.

- Better check up on her before accusing her of anything - I thought and glanced at them walking closely behind. They were to busy to even notice I was spying on them, they reached the tattoo hut, and greeted everyone there. The girl looked starry-eyed at the freshly made tattoo on the back of a fisher, from here I heard Maui chuckling at her. - What's funny about it? Why does it amuse him so much? - Maui asked her if she is planning to get one, she stuttered saying she'll thing about it. - I can't help but to think she's faking everything just to be friends with him, I was the one to save him from that crab, and that island too! - I didn't noticed that I huffed and dug my nails on the pillar of the house I was hiding from.

I watched in silence as they leaved, walking towards the beach on the back of the island. As they got away from my sight, I followed, hiding behind bushes and boulders around. I peeked from the boulder, trying to hear their conversation. I just heard mumbles, - I need to get closer - I scurried silently to the palm trees nearby, climbing on them, reaching above their heads. - Perfect! -

From here I could easily hear everything they said "-not? It is literally five feet away from you!" Maui exclaimed referring to the shore with both hands.

"I don't want to" The girl answered crossing her arms on her chest. "I'm not going to put a foot on the water, you know why better than anyone!" She answered uneasy - Wait... what? She's scared of the ocean? - I thought grinning.

"Okay okay... I'll take you to see small hens" Maui said with his hands up. "Have you seen baby chicks?" He asked leaning to the front slightly, he had his dorky grinn...

"I've seen a trouble se rooster, hope those aren't as bad" She answered with a smug smile and light giggle.

"Trust meeee, there are cute and soft" Maui said ushering her back to the village.

- I know what to do now! - I thought still grinning. I hopped down the palm and rushed towards the docks, back to the boat, careful not to bump into someone, specially them.

Pua was there, staring at Hei Hei, while he swallowed rocks... again. I reached them, and brushed off their presence, climbing on the boat fixing the last detail to go on sailing. - She won't see this one coming, bet she'll be so afraid she won't bear to be here again! And maybe return to her island, and stay away from Maui and me! - I giggled mischievously getting the knot ready. "Now, let's go get them" I muttered hopping off the canoe sprinting towards the corrals, I think there's were they are, judging on their conversation.

"They do are cute" I heard the girl saying as I need the corral. She was crouching next to some chicks, she wasn't touching them, she just stared at them. - She sure is weird -

"See? Told you!" Maui raved, looking suddenly excited and proud of himself. I took a deep breath, and put on a sympathetic smile.

"Hey guys, what are you two up to?" I questioned, sounding as normal as possible.

"Just introducing (Y/N) here to the chicks" Maui answered, smiling like an idiot. - What's so interesting about her? - I bit my tongue, and screamed on my mind, trying to throw them to his.

"Heeh heeh, that looks like they are getting along" I faked a giggle and commented. "Anyways, I came to invite you two, to the new island" I suggested. "It's actually not that far, and, it may be a good opportunity for (Y/N)-" - I hate saying that - "and me to know each other better"

Maui thought for a moment, and glanced at (Y/N) unsure. "Hey, (Y/N)!" She glanced at us while humming. "Would you like to go to the other island? Moana is offering us a ride" He said referring to me with his thumb.

"Um... I don't know" She answered lowly, averting her gaze, fixed on some chicks. - Come on, say yes - "I-I... Is it far?" She stuttered and then quickly composed herself.

"No, it's just a few minutes ride, like, half an hour or so" I answered back- Hope the time doesn't scare her away -.

She sighed defeated. "Well, if it is actually that near, I guess I could go" She said standing up and dusting herself, walking out of the corral.

I grinned "follow me then!" and chirped, turning around and walking back to the docks.

This is going to be so much fun~!!


I think I'm lost.....

Have you heard about a weird dish from your country?

A friend told me about the Turducken (Is not German), I thought she was exaggerating about it, but when I looked it up it is real XD

Basically... A Turducken is a chicken stuffed inside a duck stuffed inside a turkey...

You don't believe me? Google it.

Have you heard of this dish before? If yes, have you tried it?

XD he hehe cya till next time

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