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Maui's P.O.V.

The sudden scream made me tear my attention off from Tamatoa, (Y/N) was lying on the floor and it seemed that her tattoo glowed a bloody red. Also, from the violet swirls of light something formed on top of the pedestal, something staff like.

Out of nowhere, I felt a stinging pain in my side as I collided on the wall losing my grip on the hook. "Hah! There it is!" Tamatoa's voice echoed. "Why did you took so long? It's tiring and boring!" I grunted standing up and saw Tamatoa taking (Y/N) again on his back. He grabbed the staff thing as it formed and I heard something crack. "Forget Te Fiti's heart, this isn't something to compare"

The crack echoed again.

"Well, I'll take the fish queen while you smushy bag stays here" He said glancing at me from the corner of his eyes. "See ya later, you hope" With that, he crawled on top of the pedestal, as it started to ascend.


The crystal walls gave up, letting strong flows of water to quickly fill the room. Shards exploded barely giving me time to shield myself with my forearm as I tried to grab the hook with the other. The hook got swept away before I could get a hold of it. "Crap!" I cursed, trying to fight against the water flow,  but the more I fought the less I could control my movement, it's like I wasn't even trying. Being thrown over and over by Tamatoa was enough for me, it didn't seem like so for the ocean, I hope it doesn't hold a grudge against me. I gasped and attempted to focus around, I need the hook for this. 


- That's not good -  That cracking sound gets me on my nerves each time, still... Where is my hook?

Your P.O.V.

I'm focusing on my breathing, trying not to make a sound, nor cry. I feel my insides being pulled at different angles, being burned and chewed, at the same time, half of which I've already experienced before. What's worse, Tamatoa has the trident! That's not his, nor mine... but why does he wants it so much? Does he know the price for welding it? Or what you need to actually do?

Besides it's not like I didn't try to explain it to him. - He's just like Maui... neither of them listens - His back is uncomfortable to lay on, those things feel like they're piercing me, it's not helping to soothe the already aching pain inside.

"Hey, fish queen. Teach me how to use this" Demanded Tamatoa grabbing me with his claw. "I know you know"

I lifted my head and shot him a glare. "... No." I sputtered at him before turning my head slightly to spit a bit of blood.

His expression turned into a snarl for a moment, then he composed himself "I see you don't hate me so much."He said smugly, jiggling me a bit.

I smirked and turned my gaze to him again"Because I didn't spit on you?" I said innocently. "You don't deserve to get my spit nor my blood on you" My voice sounded stranded, but I know it laced with the Mermaid pride. "Crustacean"

He growled, and for a brief moment I saw a tingle in his pupils. "I still can figure it out by myself, you're not necessarily crusial." Tamatoa grinned. "And today is the bloody moon night, right?" - H-how did... No, he's rambling, he doesn't know - "Don't give me that look, I wasn't born yesterday, of course I know what's going on!" He yelled in my face.

"After your runaway, hook boy laced a star, right? For some reason after that thing turned dimmer and the sky returned to be dark, another lesser bright ball of light appeared. That's the moon." Tamatoa stopped for a moment, gazing at me with his stalked eyes."Storms started being more frecuent around the ocean, as if had gained a bit more of life. I know you know, the moon gives you power in exchange of your habilites. That's only during bloody nights, such as this" He gave me another one of his mischievous grins, he needn't to say it with words, his grin said it all.

I know you know

All I could do was stare at him in both amazement and shock. My mind was blank, and I could think of anything to argue against , something to prove him wrong.

The pyramid beneath us cracked loudly again, giving a new significance to that grin...

"I know you know"

I know... And I don't want to accept it...

He can't be dead...


Hey guys, Author-chan here. 

Like you know I've some small medical problems, and sorry for that. It's making it hard to focus on writing. Hope this was decent enough for you. I promise that I'll write nonstop as soon as I get healthy again. 

And BTW, I've entered a drawing contest here at my city, which is on May 3rd or so. Hope I get atleast the third place.


Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Where stories live. Discover now