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Your P.O.V.

How dare he to even try to speak after that- Is not like anything he says is going to change my mind - I winced slightly holding my side tightly, it hurts a lot to swim specially if my tail is this beaten up. - It's weird, I'm not healing, what's happening? - I looked around, trying to know where I even am, also I don't know how much time had I been swiming away. Anyways, I just want to go back home, with my jellyfish, fish... and... all those animals, they are far better than humans; spacially if they are partly gods. "Still where the hell am I?" I swam to the surface and took a look around, and there was just water as far as the eye could see. The sun was setting, so in a few minutes I'll be out of light, except, for my fins, but that would call the attention of ANYTHING. "Ugh... Where is that rocky pillar?" I mummbled and took a last look around. 

At the distance I could barely make a tiny silohuette, hope that's the island I'm looking for. I narrowed my eyes, and blocked the sunlight with my hand. -It acually looks like the island, welp, I don't loose anything if I were to check it out - Still holding my wound I swam towards the silhouette.

The closer I got the bigger it got, and yes, it was the rocky pillar of an island. - Now, let's find that entrance - I swam to the bottom looking for the water hole, If I enter from there, my home would be just a few feet away, that would save me a lot of trouble.

Fish and other creatures swam along the waving of the water and I could barely see the dim lights of the realm. Small light particles danced around, but those are for the other entrance, I don't want to go in from there, I may fall and then it would be all worse.

I kind of celebrated in my mind for finding the entrance, my entrance. Swimming slightly towards the hole, now being near, the hole just sucked me in.

I landed with a splash, throwing water around the multicolored cave. - Agh, good thing I'm now here. Yay -I thought getting out if the water and into land back again. "Back to fish walking..." I muttered sighing annoyed.

So the plan is this, first I heal, then I go for my necklace, and then... Uh...

I'll figure it out eventually... again.

But for now, let's just get to the jellyfish lake.

I stood in front to the immense set of doors, and tried to pry them open. - Why aren't they moving? - I pushed them again, pulled, and different other things, that's when I noticed the key hole. - CRAPING CRAP!! - "STUPID ROCK HEADS!!" I smacked the door several times filled with wrath and horror. "CRAP!! I F***ING HATE YOU MAUI! AND THAT GIRL TOO!!"

"Why tho?"

"THEY MAKE ME LOSE MY NECKLACE!!" I yelled again angry. - Wait, who did I answered to? - I whipped my head around, finding myself before a huge silhouette, the only thing I could see was their wide grin. -... Shoot-

Maui's P. O. V.

After I had left Moana and the island, I set off flying to find (Y/N), being in that state, it would be easier to find her, that's what worries me. If something else finds her before me, then, the chances of finding her are going to be low, or even impossible. Besides, I've to explain what really happened. - First, where would she go? To the mother island? Nah... To the monster realm? Maybe. -

"Hey Maui!" I hear a distant cry.

"Wha?" I stopped and stayed flapping on the same spot to look around. There was a canoe coming at a high speed. I sighed exasperated when I spotted Moana on it. She was waving at me. "This doesn't concern you, go back to your village" I spatted and turned around again.

"No! You have to hear this!" She yelled.

"No I don't!" I yelled back.

"Ocean get him!" I heard her order. - Haven't she figured it out yet? -

I stopped and spun around again "Stop trying to order someone that won't follow orders from someone like you!"

"Someone like me? And what's that supposed to mean?!" She replied.

"Agh, it- Bah! forget it, I've no time for this" I tried to fly away again. Something hit my back, like a pebble.

"I've something to ask you! And you're going to answer it want it or not" Moana exclaimed.

"Didn't you heard what I said?"

"Why aren't you even fabled about the fact she's that thing?!" She continued anyways.

"And why would I be?" I answered, and she neared.

"Because you just knew her some days ago" Moana accused.

"No, you're wrong! I've known her before I even had my hook." Her expression was shocked. "Now let me go and rescue her"

"So, she's the one who threw you to the ocean?" She asked lowly.

"What? OF COURSE NOT! She was the one who saved me and turned me to the gods! If it weren't for her I wouldn't even exist" I said angry, and turned back to myself on the boat, nearing her threatening. "And now she's out there in a bad state, don't you know everyone wants her head because of what she did with me? ANYONE COULD HAVE FOUND HER BY NOW!"

"You like her... right?" Moana asked meekly.

"Even before she even sent you to get me"

"She... sent me?" She asked again.

"Why do you think the ocean moved and helped us on the journey? It was her, she was extending her hand so it would be easier for you to do it, and you pushed her off A CLIFF!!" I yelled and turned to look around, pacing.

"Heh..." She chuckled sadly. "I never stood a chance, did I?"

"You did once"


Sorry for this LONG delay. I got kicked out of wattpad for about two weeks, or more Idk how much exactly.

Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Where stories live. Discover now