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Maui's P. O. V.

I stopped walking just a when the village came to view. I turned around hoping to find (Y/N) walking up here, saying she'll stay. I saw no one.

I sighed - Guess she doesn't want to stay... let's just get back to the village - I paced slowly back to the village. I leaved the hook on the shack Moana gave me a few minutes ago, I'll take the chance and see what can I get to make it more comfortable. The fact that it is near the shore is pretty convenient, I can go out on my boat every evening. 

The village came into view, villagers where all around. Obviously celebrating Moana's arrival, what she did, blah blah... I'm glad everything's fixed now, at last I got my chance to repair my awful mistake, and again all thanks to... her. Well, Moana helped too, so she is also an important member. Alright, she was the one to do most of the thing. 

I reached the shore, and found the shack, just standing there. The moon was already out, something I accidentally created... whoops. It's cool tho, now we know we had a gigant rock floating above us from who knows when, and it makes the nights brighter and spectacular. I almost reached my shack, until a wall of water blocked my way. - Wait...! - I turned around, with my heart rate increasing. - Did she choose to stay? - I thought hopeful. 

There wasn't anyone behind me, then? I checked my suroundings, palm trees, the village, the mountain... - Then where? - " Have you looked in the water?" I jumped lightly and twisted my neck towards the sea shore, I couldn't see a thing. A faint glowing started to appear, making a silhouette. "Just like that time" She muttered, but I heard what she said.

"Like that time" I repeated, and walked near the shore. I rested my hands on my hips and looked at her. "So, have you decided?" I asked nervously.

"Well... kind of" (Y/N) said lowly, rubbing her forearm again. 

"What is it going to be then? W-would you stay?" I insisted, and then realized it, - I got not to pressure her on anything, that is not a good way to persuade her into this -  "If you'll like of course" I said trying to smoothe it slightly.

"I'll, but!" (Y/N) started, saying the 'but' louder, making me stop before doing anything else. "If a human finds out about who I really am, I'm going away. Or, if they start being mean with me, deal?" (Y/N) walked out of the water and stood in front of me, I think she's a bit smaller than last time... 

"Alright I'll do my best"  We shook hands, and I dragged her a bit towards the village, I didn't let go of her hand since we shook. "Now, I'll be showing you the cave I mentioned before. It's not like the one filled with crystals, but it's still pretty" The village huts and shacks passed on either side of us, and the boats were pulled up on the beach. There were a few humans here and there, I think some are already sleeping. "The best part, it has an opening leading directly to the sea!" I said it loudly, I glanced at her. (Y/N) was strugging to keep the pace, but besides that, she looked eager to reach the cave. "I can fix something with Moana so you can have your own hut in the cave, how does that sounds?" 

(Y/N) just glanced at me and then at the front "I didn't expect this much..." she muttered while glancing around. 

"Well we are almost there anyways" We reached the entrance under some overgrown leaves and vines. I pushed them aside, and pulled (Y/N) inside with me. 

The moon light shone throught the water barrier, it wasn't giving off much light, but it was enough to see that it was finally empty. All boats were now outside, and I doubt this place is going to be used ever again. I let go of (Y/N)'s hand, leting her explore the whole cave. She looked like a small child, being amazed by everything around, the rocks, the water's level, and such, she even mentioned something about the silence. -Now whats left is presenting her to the village... I bet she's going to get along well with everyone, specially Moana! Those two have so much in common, I can already see them being best friends! - 

This is going to be amazing! 


How was your Halloween? Did you see weird costumes? 

I enjoyed mine, I got to a party with my friends after going out for candy, and then we got a sugar high XD we looked so dumb on the park.

I found a dude disguised as a nacho (He just cut a carboard triangle, painted a section yellow and pasted it to his chest XD) his companion was a T-rex  

Mermaid's hook (Maui X Reader Vs. Moana) Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang