Chapter 8: Hunted

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It was the next day, and Jack has healed. He was asleep but this time, Seth was snuggling into his chest. Jack woke up and wondered why he didn't hear the alarm. "Seth, wake up," said Jack, shaking Seth. "Hmm?" asked Seth. "We're gonna be late to school!" exclaimed Jack. "What?" asked Seth. "Why didn't the fucking alarm go off?" "I don't know," said Jack as he rushed to get dressed. Seth got up and started to get dressed. "Come on," said Jack. They headed out the door when they saw Raven open her door. "What's going on?" asked Raven, sleepily. "We're gonna be late!" said Seth. "Shit!" exclaimed Raven. She hurried to get dressed and followed Seth and Jack out the door.

It was 7:59, and they barely entered the school. Seth and Jack didn't have time to talk, and they barely made it just in time. After the few hours of the morning classes and lunch, the gang were in their fifth period. Jack, Seth and Sheena were in biology. It was Jack's other favorite class because he can learn more about the natural world. The class ended five minutes before the next bell rang so they can put everything up. Jack was putting up the microscopes, and he bumped into Matthew, Jack's old crush. He had a kind expression on his face, and he had somewhat similar facial features as a young Luke Benward. He had honey brown semi-long straight hair, wore a leather jacket with a gray striped v-neck, dark blue jeans and black shoes. "Hey Matthew," said Jack. "Hey. Let me help you," said Matthew. "No thanks. I got this," replied Jack. "Please, I insist," said Matthew. He grabbed the last of the microscopes and put them in the back room. When he came out, he walked up to Jack. "Jack, I have something to tell you," said Matthew. "What is it?" asked Jack, curiously. "I have a crush on you," responded Matthew. "What?" asked Jack, shocked. "I love you," replied Matthew. "I had a crush on you too, but it was a long time ago. I'm with Seth now," said Jack. "Please, just let me kiss you," pleaded Matthew as he cupped Jack's cheek. He leaned to kiss Jack. Matthew enjoyed every second of kissing him. In the distance, Seth was talking to Vianca when he noticed Jack and Matthew. "What's wrong?" asked Vianca. Seth didn't talk; he just stormed towards the two. He shoved Matthew away. "What are you doing?" growled Seth. "I was doing nothing," said Matthew. "Don't play dumb," said Seth, pinning Matthew against a wall. Seth didn't mind that there were people gathering. "I know what you did. You were kissing my Jack," he growled. He punched Matthew in the stomach. "Since when is he yours. I mean he could've fallen in love with me," said Matthew. Seth punched him in the jaw and threw him to the floor. He started fight Matthew. "Seth, stop it," said Jack. He went into the fight and tried to pull Seth away. The teacher joined in and pulled Matthew away. "Seth, look at me," said Jack, bring Seth's face towards his. "He loves me, but I don't. I love you, and I always will." He kissed Seth for a few seconds. "You two, both of you have detention," said the teacher. "Damn it," cursed Seth, under his breath. Few hours passed, and school ended. "Bye, guys. I want to be here with Seth," said Jack. "I want to be with him." "OK, but be careful. You don't know if a creature or one Draco's lackeys come to strike," said Darcy. When they left, Jack went in the office to join Seth. "Jack, what are you doing here?" asked the assistant principal. "I want to here with Seth, so I give me detention," said Jack. "If you want, fine," she said. "So, Matthew, you will clean the band hall and organize the books in the library. Seth, you will clean the gym. Jack, you will clean the cafeteria and the classrooms." With that, they left to do their assignments. When Jack walked outside, he saw a tiny creature hiding. "Aw, aren't you adorable," said Jack, petting the creature. It looked like green lizard with a dark green armadillo armor. It had big adorable eyes with black pupils and the whole eye is orange. It had two tiny horns with red tips and red spikes, a light green underside, eight legs and a tail with a dark green band. Jack stopped petting it when he heard Matthew opening the door. "What are you doing?" he asked. "Uh... nothing," said Jack. "Really?" asked Matthew. "Yeah," said Jack. Matthew tried to see what Jack was doing, but he was interrupted by Jack who kissed him. "It's nothing. Let's go do what we were told," said Jack. Matthew agreed and walked away. Jack turned to the creature and put it his backpack. "Don't worry. I'll protect you," he said. Freddie arrived after Jack left. "Ugh, where the fuck is that baby Legionnaire Lizard?" she asked, then turned her head to see Jack. "There you are." It's been half an hour and Matthew left after finishing his job. Jack finished and left to see if Seth was finished. "Hey Puddin," said Jack. "Hey babe," said Seth, kissing Jack. "I found something," said Jack. He unzipped his backpack and took out the creature. "I found it outside hiding," he said, holding the creature like a baby. "It's adorable, isn't it," said Jack. "It sure is," replied Seth. They both look like they had a family together, and they both like the idea of having a family. "So, what is it?" asked Seth. "It's a Legionnaire Lizard, said Freddie, leaning against a wall. "And it belongs to me." "No it doesn't," said Jack. Soon, they heard rain hitting the roof. "Give me that lizard!" shouted Freddie. "No!" shouted Jack. "Guess I have to take it by force," she said, pulling out her gauntlet. "Razorkinder Puppet!" A 4ft marionette came out. It had a gray and pink bowl hat, lavender head with black eyes, yellow irises and red pupils, two grins: one with an evil smile and the other with a worried expression, a gray collar and pink and gray on the upper torso and gray with dark magenta spots on the lower torso and legs, long purple and pink striped arms with razor sharp blades for fingers. It started to walk a herky jerky style. "Run Jack," said Seth as he grabbed his gauntlet. "What? I'm not leaving you," said Jack. "Run!" shouted Seth. Jack was ran away with the creature. "Bolshack Dragon!" shouted Seth. "Razorkinder, Fear Gaze!" commanded Freddie. Razorkinder stared at the dragon with purple rings being emitted from its eyes. "My dragon doesn't scare so easily," said Seth. "Bolshack, rip its strings apart." Bolshack slashed at the puppet, but it dodged it. Razorkinder moved agilely and started slashing at Bolshack. The dragon soon knocked the puppet away, leaving it unconscious. "Seems like you're done," said Seth. "Does it?" asked Freddie. Soon, strings were wrapped around the dragon. It was constricted until it vanished in a blaze of fire. "Razorkinder, reveal it!" shouted Freddie, gesturing like she ripped her face off. Razorkinder removed its face and Seth saw his worst fear in it. Seth was frozen in fear. "Time to get that lizard. Ha, just like Jack, you're a wuss," said Freddie, walking away. "Razorkinder, find Jack." Razorkinder got on all fours and rapidly crawled around. Jack was outside. The creature was squirming around because of the rain. "You don't like the rain. You're a Fire creature," said Jack. He covered the creature with his jacket. Soon, he heard a hyena-like laugh. Then four blade came down, striking the ground. Jack looked up and saw Razorkinder. "There you are," said Freddie. Jack looked back and saw Freddie. "No where to go," she said. "Exafanízomai," said Jack. He vanished and reappeared behind Freddie. He then pulled out his gun and whipped the back of her head. Freddie then fell to ground while Jack ran. Razorkinder slashed his hands while it threw its claws. Jack managed to dodge them and headed in the cafeteria. It was dark so Jack tried to hide behind a table. "It's not smart to be in here. You know darkness is Razorkinder's domain," said Freddie as she entered the cafeteria. "Stay here," whispered Jack as he placed the creature down. He pulled out his gauntlet and crept away. "Hey!" shouted Jack. "You can't protect the lizard forever," said Freddie. "What are you gonna do? Summon the Nature creature that turned on you?" "Steam Star Grapplog!" shouted Jack. A creature appeared. It had five gray arms with three gray bars and pink tentacles coming out of it, four deep dull blue orbs attached to a pinkish lavender tentacle on top of its body, and pinkish lavender webbing that forms a star. "Steam Star, use grab and stab," commanded Jack. Steam Star pinned the puppet against the wall. "Razorkinder, use your grab and stab," said Freddie. The puppet raised its arm and strings came out. The strings wrapped around Steam Star and constricted it until it vanished in splashes of water. Freddie turned to see Jack when he was nowhere in sight, and the lizard was gone too. Jack ran to the gym and found Seth. "Seth, Seth! Wake up," said Jack. Seth snapped out of it and hugged Jack. "I'm glad you're OK," said Seth. "Come on, we have to hide," said Jack, leading Seth behind the bleachers. "Come out, come out, wherever you are," said Freddie as Razorkinder scurried around. "How are we gonna stop her and her toy?" asked Seth. "She said that darkness is the puppet's domain. Maybe we could summon a Light creature," replied Jack. "I'm a little low on mana," said Seth. "I think I still have enough," said Jack. Jack got up and summoned a Light creature. "Thunder Guardian, Shaw K'Naw!" He shouted. A golden metallic bird appeared. It had a bun-like attachment on its head, light blue eyes with white circle look liking flashlights, the talons are sky blue, a teardrop shape attachment on the end of its body, and a long tail that ends in a triangle tip. "Oh no," said Freddie, worried. "Shaw K'Naw, light this place," said Jack. Shaw K'Naw flew up and shot blinding rays at Razorkinder. "Dodge it," said Freddie. "Get the lizard!" Razorkinder swiftly came up to Seth and forcefully grabbed the Legionnaire Lizard. "Well, this was fun. Time to go," said Freddie as Razorkinder gone back to her side. They both vanished. "No!" said Jack. Seth came up and hold him. "Look, we have to tell the others," said Seth, low and comforting.

At the hideout, Freddie and Draco are in a room with control panels and a glass cage was in front of them. "Begin the evolution phase," said Draco. Soon, antenna-like devices aimed at the Legionnaire Lizard, and yellow electric waves were being emitted and The creature soon became an adult version of itself. "It's complete," said Draco. The Legionnaire Lizard soon roared, showing its teeth and forked tongue.

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