Chapter 21: Forgotten Memories

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Mateo was alone in the apartment with Sonya. Jack and Seth were on a date. It wasn't anything fancy; it was a normal date that has things that each one of them liked. Raven and the girls were at Selina's home in Raymondville where she lived before she moved to the apartment. Sam and the boys were in the Lyford park, which was a few kilometers away from the school near the railroad tracks. "So, you're going out with someone?" Sonya asked. "No," replied Mateo. "What about you?" "No. I'm focused on dancing," she stated. It then became awkwardly quiet because they didn't know what to do or say. "Wow, pretty quiet," said a girl. The two turned around and saw Sonata. "What are you doing here?" asked Mateo. "Oh nothing. Just about to erase your minds," said the stereotypical dumb girl. Then a few memory swarm popped out and headed towards the two. "Blinder Beetle!" shouted Sonya. "Badlands Lizard!" shouted Mateo. Sonata soon started to vocalize; the tone was like two or three octaves lower than her normal voice. Then, the two's eyes glowed green before fading. "Let me handle this," said Sonya. "No. Let me," said Mateo. "I have more experience," said the other. "Do you really want to go there?" asked the boy. Soon, they started to argue. Green smoke started to form around the two. Then, Sonata absorbed it through her pendant. "Time to finish the job," she said. The memory swarm went to the two while they're arguing. "Light blast," said Sonya. Blinder Beetle blasted a ray of light at most of the Water creatures. "Tail whip," said Mateo. The Lizard whipped its tail at most of the remaining creatures. "You've been beaten," said Sonya. "Does it?" asked Sonata. One of the creatures survived and attached itself to Mateo. Sonya noticed and grabbed the creature and threw it at Sonata. "Well, time to go," she said before vanishing. "Mateo, are you OK?" asked Sonya. "Who are you? Where am I?" he asked. "Oh no," she said. A few minutes passed and the rest of the gang returned one by one, only a few minutes in between. "So, Mateo lost his memory?" asked Jack. "Yep. Sonata was here," stated Sonya. "How are we gonna get it back?" asked Raven, sitting next to Mateo. "Maybe, we can go to the Water Civilization," shyly said Henry. "Reef Prince Glu-Urrgle." A 2 to 3ft, transparent, light blue creature came out of the portal. It had a marker cap type head with two thin horns that looks like a ram's horns. The face had binocular-like, white eyes, and no other features. The body was small like an infant, long arms with three fingered hands that it uses as legs, and chubby legs with three toes that it uses as hands. "Glu-Urrgle, my friend has lost his memory to a Cyber Virus," said Henry. "H-enry, you should try a the Mother Virus," Glu-Urrgle said in a gremlin type voice. He pulled out an orb that showed a holographic image of Mother Virus. She was a jellyfish-like creature. On the outside, she was light blue like the Memory Swarm, but had a lavender underside with a few circuit marks. She had 12 tentacles and a tentacle with a wide pad. "All Cyber Virus that took memories all go to her," said the creature. "OK, thank you," said Henry. "Well, let's go to the temple," said Dylan. They headed out to Dylan's truck with Glu-Urrgle hiding so no one can see him.

The the temple, they told Aurora everything, and she led Mateo, Henry, and Sonya to her chamber. It was a clear dome laboratory underwater. "So, the Water Civilization is, well, underwater, so we need swimsuits," she said. "Don't worry, I got this," said the creature. He pulled out orbs and placed on the group. The orbs transform into light blue scuba-like suits with features that goes with their style. Aurora's suit had wings that come in three sections, all resembling like sharp shards of ice with blue crystals on them. Mateo's suit had fins along his calves and flame-like, thin fabric on his forearms. Henry's suit had ice shards that cover his chest, part of his naval area and his waist, and white, feather-like, spiked fabric on his waist. Sonya's suit had wings that are mainly orange with the top part pink. Her bottom wing border is orange, and a large train behind her skirt that stops at the bottom of her shoes. Aurora then opened a portal, and they all stepped through.
The gang were now in the Water Civilization. The realm was vast with endless terrain. "How did we get here?" asked Mateo, freaking out. He freaked out before when he met Glu-Urrgle and had the suit on. "You'll find out soon," replied Sonya. "Glu-Urrgle, can you take us the Mother Virus?" asked Henry. Glu-Urrgle complied and took out a device that sent a platform to them.

After a few minutes of riding on the platform, the group arrived at a location where it had city-like settlement. "The Water Capital," said Aurora in awe. "So, what are we gonna do?" asked Sonya. "We're going to see the Council of Logos. They will determine if we can get M-Ateo's memory back," said Glu-Urrgle. They headed into a building and landed the platform. Then, they headed into a room where that saw three, child-sized creatures. "Everyone, this is the Council of Logos: Finbarr, battle strategy specialist, Hokira, knowledge strategy, and Milporo, defense specialist," said Aurora. Finbarr was a brilliant blue creature with read eyes, a yellow, inverted triangle pendant on its forehead, two tentacle-like attachments that curls up then back down, two feather shaped attachments on each side on its head, and an attachment on each side that drapes down. The body was toddler-sized with light blue lines that appear on its joint areas. It was in a robot-like machine that had a transparent dome with the lower 'body attached and had two arms. Hokira is a lighter shade of blue with a big head that has red eyes and yellow scleras, elf ears, strawberry cheeks, and a lavender, seaweed-like attachment on the forehead that curls down and up with yellow spots on the top half. The body resembles that of an infant and it has a hole where the bellybutton used to be. It was in a transparent pod with rubes connecting to the back of its head and connected to the hole in its stomach. Milporo was blue with what seem like a light green tint to it. Its head had raspberry eyes with a raspberry pendant attached to its head that resembles a flower, and three feather-like attachments on each side on its head that is lime green with dull magenta tips. The body has six gill-like marks on the torso, a leaf-like exaggerated collar, a cape of the same design, lime green feather-like attachments on the sides of the waste, thick, dark blue bracelets and anklets with white circuit-like designs, and white circuit marks above the bracelets and anklets that makes it seem like they are coming out of them. It was on a platform with a dark blue ring above it. "Aw, look at the baby one. It's so adorable," said Sonya, waving at it. Hokira got angry a telepathically controlled her arm and made it slap her. "Hey! Rude," she said. "Master Aurora, Henry, welcome to the capital," said Hokira in a young female-like voice. It was odd considering it was a male. "It's an honor," said Aurora. "Why have you come?" asked Finbarr, in a deep, echo voice. "O-Our friend h-has lost his memory," said Henry, shaking to be on the spot. "Well, you are welcome to go to Mother Virus," replied Finbarr. "T-Thank you," said Henry. The group headed to a chamber where the creature was. The creature was huge. They headed towards it and let Mateo get closer. Mother Virus then lifted her tentacle, the one with the pad, and pressed it against Mateo's head. The pad looks like it could cover his whole face. His eyes glowed white.

(Inside Mateo's Mind)
All his memories flooded in all at once. The time when he was in 8th grade when the others were in 7th. His first year in high school. The time he met the others, then Gil, Harry, and Sheena, then Dylan and the others. The time when he first summoned Badlands Lizard. He soon started to remember what happened before he and the others came to the Water Civilization.
(Back in the real world)

Mother Virus lets go, and Mateo had his memory back. "Did it work?" asked Sonya with a hint of worry in her voice. "Yep. It did," replied Mateo. Sonya hugged him. "Well, time to go home," said Aurora. Just as they were about to leave, they were stopped by the Council. "Wait. Before you leave, we have word that the Helm of Ultimate Technology was stolen. You have to get it back. In the wrong hands, artifact may be used for evil," said Milporo. "We'll get it back and return it to you, I promise," said Aurora. She opened the portal and they all headed back to Earth, leaving Glu-Urrgle because that was his home.
Back on Earth, Henry has gotten a message from Sasha. "Yes?" he answer. A live feed was on his phone showing Sasha who had a worried expression. "Henry, I need you help. My kingdom is being invaded as we speak," she said. "Don't worry, I'll be there," said Henry.

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