Chapter 1

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Sheshira pov

The day started out as any other. I woke up from my place in a tree, I ate some leftover berries from the day before, and then I gathered all of my things and left.

The sun had not risen yet and the early morning sky was dark. I would always wake early in the morning, it was better to start moving before daylight. I would find someplace to hide out and then I would move on after a few days, staying in the same place for too long was dangerous. If I stayed in the same area, I would for sure be captured.

As I walked I came across some forest animals, they scurried across the forest floor getting away as soon as possible. The squirrels climbed up their trees, the deer jumped over fallen trees, and the birds chirped from a distance as the flew across the sky. The sun had begun to rise in the sky illuminating it with beautiful shades of reds, oranges, and blues. It was simply beautiful, waking early before the sun rose was worth it due to the beauty of the morning sky.

I had been walking for hours when I came upon a city of destroyed buildings. It had been quite some time since I had last been to a place like this, the wolves had most likely already cleared everything out. I would need more supplies soon so I decided to go search the buildings even though I might not find anything.

The buildings had long been destroyed and abandoned. Walking into the first building I saw that dust covered everything in the place. I wandered the halls in search of anything useful to me but found nothing. After I had searched through multiple buildings, I finally came across one that had been stashed full of food and other supplies. Someone had stashed all of this here but from the looks of the place it had long been forgotten, I grabbed anything that I could carry. Nightfall was coming and I needed to get back to the forest where it would be safer.  I quickly gathered everything that I had grabbed and headed back out to the forest.

The forest was dark and the sky was decorated with stars, millions of them were out tonight. I had always loved the night sky, even as a child, they were so beautiful. I had picked up all of my things and traveled further into the forest to find a place to sleep for the night. Finding a tall tree with sturdy looking branches, I begin to climb up and settle on a limb high in the tree. I bring out a thick rope from my bag and tie it around my legs and the branch. Finally set for the night I slowly fall asleep, slipping into a somewhat of a peaceful sleep.


I woke in the dark of the night, the wind softly blowing and the stars shining brightly. There was a rustling on the forest floor, something big was moving. The sound of the creature had woken me up from my slumber. It came closer towards the area of where I had slept in the tree. More similar looking creatures appeared not far behind the other creature. Being able to see in the dark came in handy for these types of situations, I could see that the creatures sensed that I was near. Untying the rope around me, I quietly put it in my backpack. Getting ready to climb higher in the tree, I heard bones breaking. Werewolves! Of course, they could smell me, there was no way I could outrun them. They were naturally fast creatures, their senses were the same as when they were in wolf form. I began to climb even higher in the tree hoping that none of them could climb up after me. After I had climbed up a good few feet further in the tree I looked down. None of them had moved, it was as if they were waiting for someone.

A few minutes had passed and sure enough, another group of wolves came walking in. They were a small group, they seemed to be a little bigger than the first group of wolves. I watched them silently as I sat in the tree. The forest was quiet, so quiet that if I made even the smallest sound I would be discovered. If I wasn't already.

A large wolf suddenly walked in and the second group of wolves cleared a pathway for him to walk. He was even bigger than the other wolves, he looked to be the alpha.

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