Chapter 2

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Sheshira pov

Warmth surrounded me as I slept. For the first time in what seemed like forever, I was comfy. I could sleep here forever. Then a thought occurred to me, how was I so comfy? Then everything came back to me. The two groups of werewolves, how I had fallen from the tree I sat in. The feeling of falling. Suddenly there was a pounding in my head, I hadn't noticed it before.

I began to stir from my slumber. I could feel that I was in a bed. Opening my eyes I saw a dark-colored wall, it wasn't too dark or too light. The room was large and neat. Looking down at the covers of the bed, I saw that they were red. Further down I noticed that there was a muscled arm around my waist, slowly I started to move away from the person sleeping beside me. I gently removed the person's arm from around me and quickly got out of the bed. I quickly moved to the door but as I was opening it a hand slammed it back shut.

"Don't leave me, I have waited so long to find you," a guys voice whispered in my ear.

"Why? What reason do I have to stay? Let me go." I wanted to leave so bad, I wanted to disappear into the world so that no one could ever find me. I didn't want anything to do with the supernatural creatures of today.

My heart raced as his breath hit the side of my neck. I could feel his face in the crook of my neck, I was scared of what would happen. He spun me around to face him, I looked at him with a confused face. What was he doing, shouldn't I be in a cell or someplace locked up. I wasn't aware of what they did when they found a human.

Ever so gently he touched my face, sparks exploded from his fingertips as he touched me. I quickly moved away from him, he could have trapped me but he let me escape his grasp. He watched me silently as I tried to find another way out.

"Don't be afraid, I would never hurt you," His voice was soft as if speaking any other way would scare me away.

I didn't trust in what he said about not hurting me, I was curious as to why he wouldn't hurt me. He didn't really seem to have any reason to hurt me but still, he was a supernatural. The only supernatural on this side of the country were werewolves.

Roman pov

Waking up I noticed that the space beside me was empty and so were my arms. Quickly sitting up I noticed that she was just beginning to open the door. I jumped out of bed and rushed over to her slamming the door shut before she could open it any more than she already had.

"Don't leave me, I have waited so long to find you," I whispered into her ear softly. I didn't want to be separated from her for a moment. I had only found her last night and I already knew she was my whole world. I would give her anything she wanted if only she would accept me for who I was.

"Why? What reason do I have to stay? Let me go." It hurt me to hear her say that. I spun her around to face me, she looked at me with confusion on her face. Ever so gently I touched her face the sparks traveling up my hand from my fingertips. She quickly moved away from me, I didn't want her to be uncomfortable around me. I watched as she looked around the room for another way out. I could tell that she was scared and it pained me to see her like that.

"Don't be afraid, I would never hurt you," I told her softly not wanting to scare her any more than she already was.

"I don't believe you," she said finding her voice again. I could somewhat understand why she wouldn't believe me. I did just take her and sleep with her, even though I didn't do anything else but sleep.

"I know this is different for you, but I would never do anything but protect and care for you," I stated in a calm voice.

"Why would you protect me, you don't even know me," she replied with confusion laced in her voice. She doesn't know that we are mates, did she even notice the sparks. She must have, she jerked away from me so quickly.

"Didn't you feel the sparks?"

" Yeah I did, what does that have to do with anything?" She really doesn't know what the mean.

"Everything, You are my mate. My other half," I exclaimed.


"Yes, my mate," I answered what seemed to be a question. It was as if she was questioning if I were really serious about her being my mate.

"Mate, as in..." she didn't seem to quite know what it was supposed to mean.

"Mate as in a couple, fated to be together," I explained to her.

"That isn't going to work out, there will never be any relationship between me and any supernatural creature." She doesn't want me because of who I am or rather what I am.

"Why? You just met me and yet you are already rejecting me,"

I was desperate, I had just found her and already I felt like I was losing her. I couldn't give up on the possibility of there being a future for us. Even if it couldn't be the best, it would still be a chance for us to have a future together. I wanted to prove to her that we were meant to be together and that we could have a happy life together.

"Look you don't have to accept me right away, but just give me a chance. Is that so hard to do?" I hopped with all my being that she would give me a chance to prove myself worthy of her affection.

"I suppose you won't let me leave."

"No, not a chance." I waited too long to find her, there is no way I am letting her out of my sight now that I finally have her.

She was silent for a while, she seemed to be in deep thought.

"I'll give you a few days to adjust a bit, meanwhile you can get cleaned up. The bathroom is over there, I'll see if I can't find some clothes for you to borrow." I said pointing to another door.

"Don't try to run away, I'll just track you down and bring you back," I said over my shoulder as I walked out the door to find her some clothes to borrow.

I smiled as I walked down the hall if I played my cards right I could have her for the rest of my life. She already had my heart, she could break it so easily. She was the woman I had dreamed of all my life, a beautiful woman who could take my breath away with one glance.

I stopped at a door and knocked.

"Come in," I heard a voice say from inside.

Opening the door I see my younger sister sitting on her bed with her mate

"Hey Rose can I borrow a shirt and pants from you? I found my mate last night and she needs something clean to wear," I told her.

"It's about time you found her, why didn't you tell me sooner?" My sister asked jumping up from where she had been sitting.

"I didn't want to let her out of my sight, sorry," I said apologizing. I wanted nothing more than to spend time with my mate, even if we were both sleeping.

Rose walked to her dresser and pulled out a shirt and a pair of pants for my mate to borrow. Turning around she handed me the clothing items.

"When can I meet her?" I could tell that my sister was anxious to meet my mate. I just wasn't sure that she would be ready to meet another werewolf.

"Maybe later today, I want to let her adjust a bit before I introduce her to anyone else." I wasn't sure how my mate would react to meeting a whole pack of werewolves, let alone a handful.

"Thanks for letting my mate borrow some of your clothes," I said after my sister had shaken her head in understanding.

"No problem, I hope that they fit her," Rose said as I turned to walk out of the door.

With clean clothes in my hand, I then walked down the hall the way I had come before.

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