Chapter 5

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Sheshira pov

I had gotten up early this morning to have a better look at the library. It was filled with tons of books, everywhere I looked there were books. The shelves went up to the ceiling, it looked truly amazing.

My mother had taught me how to read, she had only taken one book from the house we lived in before they took over our world. Every chance we had we would read at least a page or two. She loved to read and she passed it on to me. She wanted me to be able to read even if it wasn't necessary. She had taught me as much as she could about the world before they had come and taken over. 

I wandered around a bit before finding a book to read. Furniture was placed around the library so that people would have a place to get comfy and read. In one area of the library, there looked to be a study area for people. It was peaceful and calm in the library, no one to bother me.

I had found a book about the werewolves, I had decided to read it to find out more about them. The book looked to be very old, but so were the other books where I had found it.

opening the book, the first thing I found was a picture of what looked to be a werewolf on its hind legs. Below the picture was written the word Lycan in big capital letters. On the next page was written this:

'Lycans, commonly mistaken as werewolves, are a more advanced species that unlike werewolves can change anytime whether there is a full moon or not.
It is not uncommon for a Lycan to have a lower species as its mate, like a human or werewolf. Lycans are above werewolves, if a Lycan is in a pack then they are usually the Alpha. If there are many Lycans in the pack then the strongest will be the Alpha.'

I had been reading the book for quite some time now. It gave me more information about the species of werewolves. By the time I had gotten through half of the book it was already getting dark outside. I had looked at the clock once or twice while I had been reading. I didn't have anything else to do so I had just kept on absorbing information from the book.

Roman pov

This time when I woke, she was gone. The space where she should have been was cold meaning that she had been gone a long time. I was in full panic mode now that my mate was gone. I was worried about her safety and how far she had ran while I was asleep.

I jumped up and out of the bed to go find her, I didn't even bother changing. I ran out of the door and down a few hallways when I was almost about to run past the library doors. The only thing that had stopped me was the scent of my mate, I ran into the library and soon found her wandering around. I breathed a sigh of relief as I quietly watched her. I watched her until she pulled a book off of a shelf and sat down to read it. After a while, I walked away assured that my mate would not run away if she hadn't already.

I walked back the way I had ran earlier and entered our bedroom. I found a change of clothes and went into the bathroom to shower.

I wondered how my mate knew how to read. I knew the moment I saw her that she was an intelligent person, she would have had to be to survive out in the wild on her own.


The hours seemed to pass by slowly, I had not seen my mate since this morning. It was difficult for me to stay away from her, and not just because I was a possessive alpha male, but I wanted her to not feel trapped. I know that she already feels trapped as it is but I want her to feel a bit free. The wolf in me wanted to be around her every second and watch her every move, I did too.

I was just about to go check on my mate when there was a sudden knock on my door.

"Come in," I sighed as I sat back down in my chair.

"Sorry to bother you Alpha, just wanted to know if there was anything you wanted help with." Ryan my Beta said walking in the door.

"No, not right now," I said looking at my best friend.

"So, I heard that you found your mate, so congratulations. How are things going so far with you two?"

"Horrible," I said as I covered my face with my hands.

"Anything I can do to help. Some advice maybe?" Ryan offered.

"Yeah, how do you get a female human to like you?" I asked.

"You could spend time with her, talk about some things. Why, does she not like you?"

"She hates me. She won't let me get near her or touch her for that matter. She hates the fact that I am a werewolf and that we took over the human world." I explained to my Beta with a tired look on my face. It was exhausting trying to earn her approval but it would be worth it in the end. Or so I hope.

"Have you tried to explain to her that you are one of the good guys. How many times has she tried to run away?"

"She hasn't, or at least not yet."

"Then obviously you are doing something right. Most female humans run away from their mate on the first day, and if she hasn't yet then she doesn't hate you as much as you think."

Ryan was right, most female humans run away the first chance they get. I must be doing something right then.

"Thanks. How about you and your mate, how are things going between you two?"

"Great, we are starting to think about having our own little family. She wants to start small and then take it from there." Ryan had found his mate a while back and it had taken them some time to come together.

"Glad it's working out with the two of you. Just wish that my mate will warm up to me as soon as yours did."

"Thanks! Oh, and give your mate some time, everything will work out just fine." Ryan said before walking back out the door.

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