Chapter 20

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Roman pov.
Days had passed by painfully slow while the search for my mate continued. I hadn't slept in the past few days, I was too concerned about finding Sheshira and getting her home as soon as possible.

It was so hard for me to sleep at night without her, so I just stayed up throughout the night thinking of where she could be and were we had not yet looked. Some nights I would even go and continue searching for her on my own. The pack could cover more ground together than apart, but I had to leave some to continue going about the day normally.

Four Months Later...

"Sheshira talk to me, please," I begged her.
It had been seven days since my mate was found and brought back to me. My beta, Ryan, along with a few others had found her and killed the rouges that they found. I was looking elsewhere when they found her, I was mind-linked right away.
They had mind-linked me that they were taking her back to the pack house and I immediately headed back home. Since then she hadn't spoken to me, not a single word.

"Please Sheshira, talk to me," I begged again but she didn't say a word.

I sighed and left the room knowing that both of us would need some space.

Sheshira pov.

For four months I was in the hands of rouges. For four months I was locked away in a dark room and beaten almost every day for a half hour. For four months I wished Roman would find me. When I was finally found, it wasn't Roman that found me, I couldn't even find him anywhere.

I haven't spoken a word to Roman since I got back. He had begged me earlier to talk to him, but I just couldn't bring myself to talk yet. He then just left, he probably thought that I needed space, but in reality, I just wanted to be in my mate's arms. The only thing stopping me was the fact that he wasn't the one who found me. He wasn't there when I needed him and that was like a knife in my stomach.

Maybe I was being foolish, but what I had gone through would scar me for quite some time. Eventually, I would recover from those four months with those rouges. Perhaps some part of me was afraid to tell Roman what happened or maybe I just didn't want to relive what had happened the past months.

I awoke with a start, I had been dreaming a nightmare, the sun just beginning to shine in through the window.  Turning my head I see Roman sitting at the edge of the bed.

" I'm sorry," I hear him whisper.


"I'm sorry that I was not the one to find you and that you were not found sooner," Roman said louder.

I could feel tears falling down my face as Roman apologized to me. I leaped from my spot and Roman opened his arms just in time to catch me.

"I'm sorry too," I said while in his arms.

"Sorry that I did not talk to you when I got back. You must have been so worried about me," I continued.

"I was worried, and I never gave up. I looked for you everywhere," Roman replied.

...... Ten Years Later.......

"Roman I have to take care of Lilith, can you get breakfast started," I asked while walking to a crying Lilith's room.

Lilith is the youngest of the three kids, Rebekah being the middle child, and Ian being the eldest.
Roman had given me a beautiful family that consisted of a son and two daughters.

~ I don't know if I will write a second book to this one or not, but if you would like me to, Please comment on your thoughts about the book. Thank You for reading my book! :)

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