Chapter 13

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Sheshira pov.


"Just Stop!" I yelled again when they did not stop growling at each other.

Roman's wolf form looked up at me, and growled at me in an attempt to make me move without physically moving me himself.

"Don't you dare growl at me," I angrily told him.
"Remember that I can disappear just as easily as I appeared," I continued.

That made his body go stiff and he wined at the thought of me leaving him. Roman kept his eyes on me, but I knew that he was also watching Blonde's wolf at the same time.

"Change back, Now!" I commanded the both of them, but more towards Roman than Blonde.

I heard one set of bones beginning to break and reform to make a human looking Roman. Blonde stayed in wolf form. He growled at me, not liking me giving a command, and then he lunged at me.

Without even thinking, I pulled out a long knife. That I always carried with me. And before Blonde could reach me, I pushed Roman, still in human form, out of the way and dodged his attack.

I didn't want to kill Blonde, but I would if I had to. It was not like me to kill for no reason. I knew that Roman would and could protect me, but to be respected by other werewolves I would have to prove that I was not just a human.

My whole life I had trained myself to fight. It was something that I had to learn in order to survive in the world. Now was the time to put all my training to the test.

"Sheshira let me handle this," Roman said behind me.

"No, I can handle this." I replied.

Before Roman could speak again, Blonde growled yet again.

"I'll kill you if I have to, but that doesn't mean that I want to." I told Blonde.

Despite my warning Blonde still lunged at me and this time I was not quick enough to get out of the way. He landed on top of me and I plunged the blade of my knife into his side. The wound would slow him down and if his wound was later treated, he would continue living. If he didn't give up and quite this fight soon, he would end up dead.

He automatically jumped away from me and looked at where my blade had wounded him. It was deep and looked to be painful.

Cayle (Blonde) pov.

That stupid female human had the nerve to give a werewolf a command and expect them to obey. It was like she was one of us when she really wasn't, she was below our kind and always would be.
Humans had always been weak and fragile beings, they might have been stronger in the past but not now.

I hear Roman's bones start break and reform with in seconds, making his body look like a humans would. He actually obeyed his human mates command to shift back, how low he made our kind look by obeying a human.

I growled at the female human who thought she was better than us. Not even seconds later, I lunged at her.

She quickly pulled out a huge knife and pushed Roman away, as if trying to protect him, and dodged my attack.
Roman, now behind her, tried to persuade her to let him handle the situation but she told him she could handle it. Well, we will just see how much she can handle on her own.

I growled at her again before Roman could get another word in.

"I'll kill you if I have to, but that doesn't mean that I want to." She said replying to my growl.

Did she really think that I would be afraid of her after what she said. I lunged at her, and this time I was the quicker one. I landed on top of her and a split second later I felt something sharp and long digging into my side. I jumped away from her and looked to where I felt pain. The wound was deep and felt painful, blood flowed out of where the knife had been a few seconds ago.

Turning away from the would on my side, I looked at the foolish human. She still held the knife in her hand, the only difference being that there was blood covering most of the blade.
She would pay for injuring me, it would only slow me down a little but not enough to keep me from holding her throat in my jaws.

I circled

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