Chapter 6

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Sheshira pov

It had been weeks since I had first arrived and found out that I had a werewolf mate. I had met some people who are a part of Roman's pack, so far they were mostly other werewolves. In the past weeks, I had started to adjust to being here. Things were quiet and I had begun to enjoy not traveling. I sometimes missed it though. I missed seeing new places, the sound of forest animals running about, and seeing the early morning sky from a tree. I didn't, however, miss scavenging for food and supplies.

I was beginning to enjoy this place too much, I wanted to move on. Getting too comfortable meant trouble, trouble that I didn't want or need. Some part of me wanted to stay and the other wanted to leave. I was in a complicated situation, instincts told me I should run but something else in me wanted to stay. Either way, I was fighting a battle with my inner self.

He had left me alone for quite some time. I would often catch him staring at me and other times he would just check in on me. My life before I met him enhanced my senses and I was aware of everything around me. I was getting so used to him watching me that once he stopped I started to miss his presence. It all seemed odd to me. Was this a part of the mate bond? Was this me falling for him? I couldn't tell.

Is this what he feels or is it different for him because he is a werewolf? I had so many questions, but only another werewolf could answer them. I didn't want to ask him my questions about what was happening. I wanted to keep it from him, I wanted him to continue thinking that I didn't want him. It was cruel of me to keep it from him but I was still uncertain about everything going on between us.

I had mixed feelings about him and me. Would I eventually love him or would I always reject him? I didn't want to fall for him, but did I have a choice? Would my heart choose him over another human, or anyone else?

He had given me plenty of opportunities to run away but I had stayed. I would eventually have to leave before I got too attached to this place, granted that it housed werewolves. It was nice being able to relax for a bit, but that bit was long. I wasn't sure if I had stayed because I like it here or because of him.

Today was boring and I was surprisingly missing Roman's presence. I got up from my seat in the library and started towards the door. Once out of the library, I headed towards Roman's office. During the past weeks, I had memorized where every hallway led. I no longer needed to ask for directions, rather I just silently walked the halls to get to where I wanted to go.

I walked into his office without knocking once I arrived at the office door. I silently closed the door leaving it open just a crack and sat down in a comfy looking armchair. I watched him for a couple of minutes before he looked up from his work.

"What are you doing here?" He asked me after setting down his pen and giving me his full attention.

"Got bored. Why, am I not suppose to be here?" I shot back at him.

"No, I'm just surprised is all," he simply answered.

"I didn't expect you to come here," He said after a few silent seconds.

"Neither did I, guess it's this damn mate bond," I replied. I looked down at my lap and curled up further where I sat.

Roman pov

I hadn't seen my mate for some time. It was too early for me to give up and I wasn't going to. I wanted there to be an us. She was always on my mind even when I was working I found myself thinking about her. I thought about why she hadn't tried to escape yet, why she seemed to begin to like it here. Maybe it was my imagination but if it wasn't then I was glad. I was getting just a bit closer to having her give me a chance. 

I was currently in my office working, it seemed to be all I did these days. I would love to have time to spend with my mate but I wasn't too sure if she was ready for that yet. All she did was reject me but I somewhat understood why at the same time.

I let out a sigh of frustration and continued to work. After about ten minutes I felt a pair of eyes watching me, I looked up only to be surprised. There she was, silently watching me, my mate. I must have been so focused that I didn't even notice she came into my office.

"What are you doing here?" I asked her after putting down my pen and giving her my full attention.

"Got bored. Why, am I not suppose to be here?" she quickly replied.

"No, I'm just surprised is all," I simply answered her. I didn't expect her to come to me, after all, it had been weeks since I last talked to her.

"I didn't expect you to come here," I spoke again after a few silent seconds.

"Neither did I, guess it's this damn mate bond," she replied before she looked down at her lap and then curled up even further in the seat she sat in. 

There was no way I was going to let this chance to spend time with her go. I got up from my seat and walked over to where she sat.

"It's okay, I know that this is new to you and you dislike my kind. But just give me a chance, that's all I'm asking for. Nothing else but a chance to prove myself to you, that I'm worthy of your love." I said as I crouched down in front of her.

"I know that the mate bond will pull you closer to me, but I want you to decide what happens between us, not the mate bond." I continued to say after I looked her in the eyes for her to know I wasn't lying.

"Okay," she quietly said. If I wasn't a werewolf, I wouldn't have heard what she said.

A huge smile appeared on my face. I jumped up grabbing her around her waist and spun her around. Her cheeks became red and I smiled up at her as I held her in my arms. I would cherish this moment for the rest of my life, along with the moments to come in the future. 

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