Chapter 15

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Sheshira pov.

We had left early this morning to go back home. The other alphas had not bothered up with what had happened yesterday with Blonde. I was still upset about it, but I was glad that we were finally going home.


What a strange and foreign thing. I never really had a home before, but what really is a home? Is it a house that someone lives in or is it a particular person that makes a place a home? I guess a home to me had become the place that Roman called home.
Homes had always been described to me as happy places where people could laugh and enjoy life. In that way Roman was my home, I enjoyed being around home. He was my happy place.

I knew that the ride home would be a long one, so I decided to try to take a nap.

"Hey, wake up," I heard a voice say while a hand tried to shake me awake.

"Hm..," I groaned while slowly opening my eyes to look at the person who woke me.

"I've got to stop and refill the gas tank, do you need anything?" Roman asked.

"Yeah, I need to stretch. I'll go in with you after you fill up the gas tank," I replied.

Roman pulled into a gas station and got out to fill the gas tank up. Once he was done filling up the gas tank I got out of the tuck and together Roman and I walked into the store. We grabbed a couple of drinks (non-alcoholic) and something to snack on, and then we were back on the road to home.


I must have fallen asleep again after we stopped at the gas station because I awoke in a comfy bed. I knew that I was in Roman's room at home by the look of the room. The rays of the sun came in through the window filling the room with light.

My mate was right next to me holding my hand. I looked up at his face and smiled, I was happy that he had stayed by my side instead of going and getting some work done.

"You stayed," I said continuing to smile at him.

"I didn't have much of a choice, you would not let my hand go. You grabbed my hand after I put you under the bed covers and went to leave the room." He explained to me smiling back.

"I thought you were the stronger one here," I said.

"Not when it comes to you," he replied.

Roman pov.

"I thought you were the stronger one here," she said.

"Not when it comes to you," I replied.

"I don't think that I could ever disobey an order from you," I continued after a few seconds of admiring her beauty.

"Mm. I like the sound of that," Sheshira said with a grin on her face.

"I have work to do today, so I have to go," I said.

"No, you are always working. Take a day off," She said in a slightly whiny voice.

"Sorry, I can't love," I replied.

"Come on, get dressed," I commanded Sheshira.

"Oh alright," She said.

"I'll be in my office. If you are not there in ten to fifteen minutes, I'm coming back to get you." I said starting to walk out of the door.

I closed the door behind me and walked to my office to get started on work.

I walked into my office and sat down in my chair to begin work.


Not even a full ten minutes had passed and already I wanted my mate by my side. I missed her, our bond was growing even stronger. So strong that I would not even know what I would do without her.

I could tell that she was beginning to fall for me. Maybe she was even beginning to love me the same way that I love her.

I worked for about three minutes and then I got up from my seat. I walked out of my office and to Sheshira and I's room. I opened the door and walked in to see her drying her hair. I walked over to her and picked her up.

"What are you doing?" She asked me just before I threw her over my shoulder.

"Roman! Put me down," she said with her voice raised.

"I warned you that I would come back to get you if you were not in my office in ten to fifteen minutes," I explained.

I walked out the door of our room and down the hall to my office.

Once inside my office, I put her down and she playfully slapped my shoulder.

I just laughed and she shot me a glare. She soon joined me in laughing and we enjoyed the rest of the day together in peace at home.

Sorry for the late update. Had writer's block, it's such a pain.

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