Chapter 4

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Sheshira pov

After my argument with Roman, I walked around the house for a bit and then eventually ended up back in the kitchen. I hadn't eaten since the day before and I was getting to the point where I needed to eat something. I looked around the kitchen for something to eat and ended up just grabbing an apple from the counter.

It had been hours since I had last seen Roman. I couldn't get over the fact that I could have lived a normal human life if they hadn't taken over our world.

So far he hadn't done anything to harm me and he made it clear that he cares about me. Maybe things would have been different if we lived in a different world or met another time when things were different.

After I finished with my apple I went and explored more of the house. So far I had discovered the kitchen, a library overfilled with books, and an entertainment center filled with werewolves. They probably smelled me but I quickly moved on to look elsewhere around the house. The house was huge. Once I had found a way outside I noticed that there was a wrap around porch with a porch swing. There were chairs and an outside table with a grill beside it. Outside there was a small garden with flowers growing and another with edible plants.

I should take this time to escape but I knew that he would only find me again. I didn't want to waste my time failing at trying to run away when I could take my time and escape successfully later.

I decided to walk around on the lawn barefoot. The grass under my feet felt good, the grass was soft and green. Above me, the birds were flying around and chirping. The wind softly blew the leaves in the trees, making the leaves rustle. I walked towards a tree and climbed up it. I climbed until I found a limb that would hold me and sat there, after a while, I climbed down and went back inside the house.

I grabbed a quick snack from the kitchen and decided to find someplace quiet to sit. I came across a couch in the middle of the hallway, I sat and ate my apple.


I had ended up falling asleep on the couch but somehow was moved to a bed. The same bed as before, when I first woke up here. Looking around I had noticed that I was alone in the bed, the spot next to me was still a bit warm so he must have left earlier. I got up and changed into a clean pair of clothes that was left by the door of the bedroom.

After I had changed I walked out of the room and headed to the kitchen. Walking into the kitchen, there were people sitting at the table eating. They turned to look at me and I quickly grabbed an apple and left. The only thing I have been eating is apples and after finishing this mornings apple, I was ready to go hunting myself. But first I had to find my backpack, its probably still by the tree I fell out of. I would have to sneak away and find it, or I guess I could just ask if he happened to pick it up.

I went to find my so-called mate, but I couldn't find him anywhere. I continued to search for him and ended up finding someone else.

"Do you know where Roman is," I asked a female.

"You must be Sheshira, Roman's mate. I've been waiting to meet you. What can I help you with?" She sounded cheery.

"Um I need to find Roman, I need to find my things. I had a backpack when he found me."

"Follow me, I can take you to him." I was glad she knew where he was.

She walked me down a few hallways and then knocked on a door.

"Come in," I heard his voice say.

I walked in and I saw his expression change from serious to surprised in half a second. He didn't expect me to willingly seek him out.

"Did you happen to pick up a backpack when you found me that night?" I asked him.

Roman pov

I heard a knock on the door of my office.

"Come in," I told the person at the door.

I heard the door open and I looked up. I was surprised to see my mate had willingly come to see me.

"Did you happen to pick up a backpack when you found me that night?" She asked me.

"No, but come to think of it. I think I did see a backpack. Why, do you need it?"

"It has my things in it, so yeah I do need it." She said

"I'll head out to see if I can't find your things. What does it look like?" I questioned her.

"It's a brownish red backpack," She answered.

"Okay, I'll find it for you," I told her.

I went out after I finish my work for the pack. I shifted and quickly went back to the place I had found my mate. I sniffed around for a bit, but couldn't find it. I shifted back to my human form and looked around some more. I finally looked up to where she had been sitting before the branch broke only to then see a backpack hanging from a branch high up in the tree. I climbed up the tree and grabbed the backpack before jumping down back to the ground.  I went back home to give my mate her things.

She was happy when I got back and handed her things to her.

"Thanks for finding my things for me, I appreciate it." She said.

After that, I tried spending some time with her but she walked away. She was probably going to put her things away.

I sat and tried to relax without my mate. Keyword 'tried', I ended up going to find my mate. I had found her in the library looking at all of the books. I spent some time silently watching her. Eventually, I ended up going to bed after she left the library. For some reason, I trusted that she would stay.

I woke up later in the night because I was restless without my mate. walking out of my room and down the hall, I found my mate sleeping on the couch she had previously slept the day before.

I picked her up and took her back to our room so that we could both get some sleep.

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