:1: South Park, Colorado

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Trigger Warnings: insults, swearing

Words: 2928


October 10th, 6:35am.

Hesitantly opening the car door to my right, I slowly peered out into the icy atmosphere of my new home. South Park. If you ask me, I wasn't totally thrilled to be moving into a town like this. I had heard stories from off the internet about this town being sketchy and filled with supernatural disaster from time to time and that is the exact opposite of what I call home sweet home. I mean, I don't want to be involved in supernatural disasters! Who does? Ack!

My name is Tweek Tweak. I know, my name is quite weird. What parents decide to give their child the same first and last name? Well, my parents, I guess. Anyway, you're probably wondering why my family had to move here of all places. Well, the three of us use to live over in Denver where we started a family business(we own a coffee shop). Due to the business expanding, we needed to move to a place where our new and improved business could stay. And since my family loves Colorado and didn't want to leave, we decided to move into this mountain town called South Park.

"Tweek, hon, why don't you get some of your stuff from the van and take it up into your new room?" Suggested my mom as she started to look through all our stuff from the moving van. "Ngh— o-okay, mom." I said shakily

After about three minutes, I managed to find three boxes of my things and was carrying them up to our new house. Looking up, I had noticed that the house was a unique maroon color, different from a lot of their houses I had seen. It's funny how the houses in this town seemed to be unusually color-filled. I hesitantly opened the front door to our house (while still managing to hold up my boxes somehow) and looked around. The house was completely empty (of course) and appearing to be two stories high, my room being on the second.

I began to walk up the stairs (praying not to fall and drop the boxes) and found the door to my room. Or, what was going to be my room. I took a deep breath and creaked open the door. The room was empty. I noticed it had a ceiling fan in the center of the room, a window straight ahead of me looking directly into the neighbor's house, and a closet to my left. I set down my boxes beside the door as I continued looking around. The room was bigger than I had first thought which calmed me a bit. I had been worrying that the room would be too small and I cannot deal with small spaces.

Hearing my father's voice creep up from behind me startled me, "Hey, Tweek, how do you like your new room?" He asked.

I whipped my head around to face him, "GAH! ...Um, it's fine, I guess. I-I mean - ngh - I like it." I responded, lightly tugging on my shirt.

He smiled, looking down at me, "Well, that's good. Good thing we chose the right house." He walked off to him and my mom's room and I was left alone to my thoughts again.

Sometimes I like to be alone, it calms me down. After all, being social is definitely not my cup of tea. But at the same time, I'm always alone and it starts to get sorta depressing after a while. To not have anyone there to hang out with? No one there to go to for comfort or help? It's sad to say that this was my life story. I hoped that this town would provide hope for me unlike everywhere else I had lived. I hoped to at least make a few friends. Just so I could have some company for once.

I sighed and walked up to the window I had mentioned before. It didn't have much of a view, it really just looked at the house next door. I noticed how the house next to ours was sort of a dark beige color and had another window exactly like mine which was almost identically across from mine. I couldn't look inside, though, for there was a blue curtain blocking my sight. Not that I would want to look inside, that is!

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