:11: Helpless

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Trigger Warnings: None

Words: 267


That night when I had gone home after visiting Craig, I was a happy, giggling mess. I don't know why, but whenever I thought about Craig being all smiley and innocent with his guinea pig, it really caused my heart to speed up. I just couldn't get his adorable, dorky smile out of my mind. He was just so...so cute at that moment! It wasn't like he way he grinned at me at the party, this smile was much more natural and rare and I loved that about it!

That night as I tried falling asleep, I still couldn't get thoughts of Craig out of my mind. The way he appeared to be all heartless and scary on the outside, but soft and caring on the inside was just really fascinating to me!

I don't know why but I felt like I needed to be closer to him some how. For some odd reason I really wanted to be close to him and talk to him. What was this? Was I going insane? Oh my god. What if he hypnotized me or something!? AH! That's why he won't leave my mind!

No, but that didn't seem right. I had never felt this way about anyone before! I had never felt so...so helpless, yet giddy at the same time. What was going on!?

I wasn't....no, I couldn't be.

I wasn't crushing on him...

...Was I?

Ew so cliche

Ummmmmm yeah this was just a cute, mini chapter. Idk

Hnnnggggghhh I really hate the lack of effort and detail in these chapters. I've been reading a creek fic on AO3 called Semantically Challenged and its so well written (like seriously. Go check it out) and this is just literal trash compared to that book.

So yeah. Next one will be longer. Also really dramatic, yeah.


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