:2: A Friendly Encounter

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Trigger Warnings: Swearing (what do you expect, it's South Park)

Words: 1815


I stood there, confused as the boy next door anxiously shut his window, "Spaz." I said quietly as I flipped him off. I wondered what his deal was.

I decided to just ignore it and looked over at Stripe's cage. I walked over to him, leaving the window open. Stripe was my pet guinea pig that I got four years ago on my birthday. Sometimes he's the only one I can go to to express my thoughts comfortably. As stupid as that sounds and as much as I hate to admit it, it really does help me. After all, my friends are never there to help me through my problems. I would never go to them anyway, as they would make fun of me and what I go through. The same thing is with my parents. They've never given a shit about me before. They've been that way ever since I came out to them. I will always regret that day I decided tell the truth about me.

Anyway, I walked up to Stripe and opened his cage, taking him out, "Hello, Stripe," I said, "How was your day? Mine was complete shit."

Stripe responded with a squeak as I suddenly heard a loud bang on my door. I placed Stripe back into his cage and looked to my door, "Hey, fag, me and your mother are going out so you're looking after your sister. Don't let her do anything stupid, I can't have another disappointment in this family." He walked away.

I kicked my desk in anger.

I hate my fucking family.


October 11th, 10:15 am. Tuesday.

I sat alone at recess that second day of school. So far things hadn't been that different from the first day. People continued to be jerks, I was ignored, and...well, I guess that was it. In a nutshell, I'd say things weren't looking so good for me but I didn't want to give up hope just yet.

I sat alone at a bench as I watched the other students playing sports, chatting, or getting into trouble. No one had been singled out like me. Everyone seemed to have a group that they fit into. But I didn't have one of those. I was all alone that day.

Though, that was until this happened.

A familiar group of kids standing by the basketball court had began harassing a kid. These were the same kids I had 'talked to' on the bus yesterday. I think their names were Cartman, Kyle, Stan, and Kenny but there was one more with them. He was a shorter male student with blond hair, though it was hard details to tell from a distance. Cartman appeared to be yelling at the poor kid while the others just glared at him. I found it weird. These students didn't exactly look like bullies the first time I talked to them. Maybe this kid just really needed some lecturing. Either that, or I got the wrong impression of these kids.

The smaller boy soon began walking away from them with his head hanging low to the ground while the group of guys from behind him got back to what they were doing. The boy looked around for somewhere to go for the rest of the free time when his eyes landed on me. I felt anxiety kick in as he started walking over to me. Oh no! GAH! What could this kid want to do with me!?

I started to ease a little when I saw him smile and stop in front of me, a couple feet away. It was then I noticed the boy had big, innocent blue eyes, one being lighter than the other due to a scar that had apparently formed there. His blond hair appeared to be an undercut fashion which I found to suit him in a way.

He began to speak in a high-pitched voice, "Uh, hey, fella. Mind if I sit here?"

I was confused as to why he wanted to sit by me, "GAH! Um, sure."

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