:14: Staying The Night

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Trigger Warnings: Cute fluffiness that may melt your soul. You have been warned.

A/N: wanna know a secret? I've already written the entire book but update a chapter every other day to kind of spread it apart and not make it go by so fast. So I actually am thinking of rewriting this because I'm getting into more detailed stories and this could TOTALLY have more detail and shit but I'm just really lazy. Would you guys like that?

Words: 1813


"Tweek...I was kicked out."

The words hit me like a truck. Craig was kicked out!? What's that supposed to mean!?

"You were what!?" I asked in surprise. I guess it made sense as to why he had a backpack and was carrying Stripe's cage at his side.

"My parents saw the picture...they said that they wanted me to leave and never come back." He said sadly, "I, uh, kind of need a place to stay."

I was at a loss of words. I felt so bad for Craig at this moment, I wanted to cry!

"Oh, Craig." I said sympathetically as I pulled him into a hug. He hugged back with one arm and dug his face into my shoulder, "Of course you can stay, Craig. Don't worry about it."

"Thank you, Tweek," He said, his voice being muffled by my shoulder. I heard him sniff, as if he was on the verge of tears.

"Craig, look at me," I said as we pulled away. I placed my hands on his shoulders and looked into his blue eyes which didn't look cold and empty anymore. Except they were broken and filled with sadness, "You're welcomed to say here for as long as you want, alright? Nngh...I'll keep you away from your terrible parents. They really are m-monsters for kicking you out like this."

"Thanks, Tweek," Craig said as a tear rolled down his cheek, "You really are a great friend...I don't know why I did to deserve you."

I wiped a tear away with my thumb, but didn't pull my hand away. Instead, it continued to rest on his cheek. Craig lifted up his free hand to place it over mine. He seemed to find comfort in holding my hand like this.


Normally I wasn't a pussy over things like this, but just the thought of being kicked out by your own family...the people that raised you and provided for you for years and years can just push you away like that...it crushed me.

"Are you boys alright?" Asked Tweek's dad as he and his wife approached us. I hoped Tweek's dad would also be nice.

Tweek had explained to my parents the situation and they seemed to understand. I was so thankful that they weren't assholes like my parents.

"Come on, Craig. Let me clean up those cuts for you." Tweek said as he lead me upstairs to the bathroom. Oh yeah. I guess I had never treated my cutes and bruises from earlier like I probably should have.

Tweek closed the bathroom door and instructed me to sit on a small stool so that I would be the same height as him. He then got out a washcloth and ran it under the sink for a couple of seconds. Then he walked back over to me and took my chullo hat off, placing it on the sink next to us. I noticed how he stared at my hair and smiled for a minute.

"What?" I asked.

He giggled, "Nothing," He replied, "I just really like your hair." Tweek rustled my hair playfully with a cute giggle as I groaned. But I really wasn't upset over it. Tweek hadn't smiled often and I was always so grateful to see it sometimes. It was just so...so cute! And I swear it lit up the room.

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