:15: The Movie Theater

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Trigger Warnings: None

Words: 2212

Mr. Tweak

Me and my wife had walked into our son's room to see what him and his friend were up to. They were probably fine but a parent had to know. It had been pretty late into the night, after all and the two boys never ate dinner.

"Boys?" Ms. Tweek had asked as we first caught a glimpse of them. The tv had still been on, so it provided light for us to see the boys.

What we saw as we walked up to the bed was our son and his presumed friend fast asleep, snuggling each other. My wife had put her hands up to her mouth and smiled brightly.

She awed quietly, "Our little boy has a boyfriend."

I smiled at the two in awe, which made me remember something, "You know what that means."

She sighed and recalled the bet we had placed years ago, "Oh, alright." She handed me over a $20 bill.

"I was right," I said, taking the money. "Our son would find love here."

"Ugh, whatever, " She groaned and walked up to the tv, turning it off. "I'm just glad our son is happy."


November 9th, 8:23am. Saturday.

I had awoken that morning with all memories from last night still needing to sink in. I opened my eyes to see that I hadn't been alone on my bed. No, I had been clinging onto someone's arm. I felt my anxiety kick in as I realized it had been Craig sleeping beside me.

"AH!" I shrieked as I let go of him and fell backwards, tumbling off of the bed.

I heard Craig groan. I assumed he was awake. "Ugh...what?" He paused and seemed to feel unsettled when he saw I wasn't next to him, "Tweek?" He asked sleepily.

I stood up from off the ground, a blushing mess, and looked at him. "Um, m-morning, Craig."

"Good morning." He responded back.

There was an awkward silence.

Craig raised a brow, "You weirdo, why were you on the floor?"

I blushed, "I-I freaked out, I guess." I twitched.

"Spaz." He said as he grabbed my hand, pulling me back onto the bed next to him.

"GAH!" I shrieked as Craig hugged me, not really saying a word. "W-What are you doing!?"

"I'm tired." He simply said.

I struggled to get the words out. "I-I didn't -nngh- realize you were so affectionate."

"Only in the mornings."

We stayed like that for a couple minutes just holding each other, taking in the comfortable silence. I had no idea what was happening. Most bros don't cuddle like this, right!? What did this mean!? GAH!

"W-We have a strange friendship." I said hesitantly. He chuckled in response.

"We do." He said, "I honestly wouldn't be doing this with any of my other friends."

I blushed, "What makes me so special?"

"I don't know." He pondered. "Maybe because you're such cuddle material."

"Gah!" I screamed, "Th-This is gay! Agh!"

"You're right. What the fuck are we doing?"


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