:8: The Party

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Trigger Warnings: Underaged drinking

Words: 1666 (omg)

A/N: I hope y'all have emojis on your device because I use a lot of them in this 😂 oh and ignore why the fuck 13-14 year olds are getting drunk just...ignore it. It's South Park.


October 31st, 4:57pm. Tuesday.

*Tweek has joined the group chat

Butter-Scotch: TWEEK!😆😆😆

Tweek: Hi guys!

Pan-With-A-Plan: More like gays, amirite?

Almighty_Jew: Kenny, you're pan!

Pan-With-A-Plan: Yes, Kyle, but I prefer dicc 😉

Butter-Scotch: OMGOMGOMG 😵

Tweek: Tehehe 😉😉😉

MARSHmallow: Lol who's up for the party this afternoon!!

TacoMan69: ME!!!!!

Mama_Token: I know I am! I'm just about done setting everything up

Almighty_Jew: Is there gonna be alcohol?

MARSHmallow: There damn better be! 😆😍

Almighty_Jew: STAN 😡😒

Mama_Token: U bet

Pan-With-A-Plan: Will we be playing 7 minutes in heaven, by chance?

TacoMan69: Kenny, u whore

Pan-With-A-Plan: Not my fault everyone falls for me 😏😏😏

Butter-Scotch: Haha true

Butter-Scotch: Wait


Butter-Scotch: *MEAN * THAT

Tweek: 😂

Mama_Token: If you all want to play, then sure. Just don't break anything tho

Pan-With-A-Plan: No promises 😏


Pan-With-A-Plan: And?

MARSHmallow: What kind of food will we have?

Mama_Token: Well I'm planning on ordering some pizzas for everyone, but I also went and bought a ton of snacks from Target this morning.

TacoMan69: Awwww what about Tacos? We had them at your last party 😢

Mana_Token: No tacos, Clyde

TacoMan69: 😭😭😭😭

Butter-Scotch: Just talking about food is making me feel starved!

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