:12: Outed

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Trigger Warnings: Emotional shit. Also swearing

Words: 1341


November 7th, 12:37pm. Thursday.

Today had been the seventh of November, five days since me and Tweek had became friends. I don't know why but I acted differently around Tweek than I did my other friends. I felt the need to be...nicer to him and protect him for some weird reason. I was convinced it was my weird teen hormones.

At school, I had left my homophobic friends and went back to hanging out with Token and Clyde. It took them a while to convince them I was a decent person again but they eventually excepted me again.

As for those homophobic kids? I think they stopped caring about being total dicks to gay kids after I left them. They seemed to be stuck without someone to guide them.

As for me, I was bittersweet about leaving my popularity behind. I would miss being on top of the school but if that would have meant me being a homophobic idiot, then I was glad to have been a normal middle school student again. I also had decided to remain in the closet for now. So far the only one who had known was Tweek since I trusted him with my secret. I would tell my other friends soon enough, but the memory of my parents completely hating me after I told them had scarred me so I was quite hesitant about telling anyone.

That Wednesday, I walked through the halls, reminding my own business when I noticed that everyone had been surprisingly quite. As I walked past other students, I couldn't help but feel like everyone was glaring at me. Why was everyone glaring at me? I decided to ignore it. I don't give a shit about what people think of me.

But that all changed once I had approached my locker. My eyes widened as I looked at the locker before me with the word 'FAG' sloppily spray painted across it. I rubbed my eyes to assure I wasn't crazy. But I wasnt. The word 'fag' had been written on what had been my locker.

I spun around to look at the crowd of students from behind me. Some were giggling, others looked terrified for what I might do.

How...how the fuck did they find out!?

"What are you all staring at!?" I screamed to get them to walk away. It worked and everyone anxiously began to remind their own business.

I felt the phone in my pocket buzz as I took it out. I looked at the screen and noticed it had been a message from Tweek.

Tweek: Craig...you should really see this.
Tweek: People from around school have been sharing this photo:

I couldn't believe the picture that Tweek had sent me. My eyes widened at the sight of it. It was me and Tweek in that closet from the party...kissing.

Then it hit me.


Rich people, I guess.


I couldn't believe it. This photo had somehow leaked to the students of this school and had now been passed around, showing absolutely everyone that I was, in fact, homosexual.

I had been outed.


"How many times have we told your kind to back off!" Screamed the bigger teen, standing above me.

Through A Window | Tweek x CraigNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ