2.| Not A Princess

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Although the room was dark the two students could still see every movement happening in front of them.

DeVito nods to his assistant and she leaves before he stands up with his back straight and fixes his tie. He had a grey suit; one that was finely pressed with a faint red tie.

Natalia straightens her back and looks towards Teddy who's gaze became darker the more he looked at his father.

This confused Natalia but as DeVito cleared his throat she looked back at him and tried to get Teddy out of her mind. DeVito walks over to the front of his desk and looks at Natalia with a faint but visible glare.

Natalia seemed to snap back into reality upon noticing his glare.

"Natalia, I don't quite know how many times I have to keep telling Teddy to bring you in here for the same reason." His voice was sour; as if he hated bringing Natalia to his office. His eyebrows rose when he saw Natalia shift side to side and fiddle with the hem of her shirt.

She was uncomfortable and DeVito noticed.

"I'm sorry Sir." She said with a thick tone and a lifted chin. She wouldn't dare falter or look lesser than who she really was in front of a superior like DeVito.

Teddy wanted to reach down and give her a reassuring squeeze, but it seemed that Natalia didn't need it once she explained the situation of her wounds.

At the sight of her faint bruises, DeVito nods and rubs his chin. His eyes scanned the blood above her busted lip before drifting up to the bruise on her eyebrow.

"The infirmary is only to be used under dire circumstances," he warned with a narrowed eyes. "Resources will not be wasted on simple bruises and petty scratches, understood?"

Natalia paused, her mind racing with questions that she refused to speak. Instead, she nodded and watched carefully as DeVito made his way to his desk. He slowly sat down in the leather office chair and rested his hands on the mahogany table.

His fingers wove together as he spoke with a small, unemotional smile.

"I have a small task for you that was supposed to be issued later, but I suppose telling you now will not hurt," he said as he leaned back and rest his elbow on his arm rest.

Natalia looked to Teddy in confusion, hoping that he'd have an idea of some sort, but she was only met with the same, confused glance.

DeVito cleared his throat and extended a small hand towards Natalia.

"You will resume your weapons training."

Natalia's face scrunches up. "I've completed that field," she spoke in confusion. "I have to repeat it?"

"Not in The Academy," he mused with a drifting look on his face. "But outside of the school. It is about time you take part of your first mission."

Natalia didn't know how to react at first. She felt a wave of emotions hit her all at once; fear, excitement, paranoia, and overall relief. She was finally able to show her the extent of her abilities and not only that, but it was a chance to prove to DeVito that she had what it took to be in the highest field of Assassins.

With no smile, or laugh, but simply a look of respect hanging on her face, Natalia nod her chin once and said in a short but quick tone, "Thank you Sir."

A forced smile appeared on DeVito's face as he nodded and laced his fingers together. As the two walked out of his office, the look faltered and he massaged his chin.

With silence playing around him like an endless tune, DeVito spun the chair around and looked out of the window behind him. He could only watch with a glare as Natalia and Teddy walked out of The Hall.

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