39.| Prophecies

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Hey guys. Just wanted to let you know. This is my second to last chapter, so I'd be very interested in hearing your conspiracy theories if you've got any. :)

With a swift move to the left, Alex dodged the taser...so she thought because the moment she moved to the left her body jolted and fell limp. Not something she had in plan as DeVito stood towering over her limp body, taser in hand while barking orders to the pack of Nightcrawlers who had suddenly appeared on the scene.

The bulker of the Nightcrawlers occupied himself with lifting Alex into his arms and carrying her off the scene, while the others cleaned up the mess. Just before Alex disappeared around the corner, she caught Angela eyeing her blankly. Alex could already imagine what would happen next as the Nightcrawler opened the door to the same experimental room Alex had been in for the past few days.

"It's already been a week Arthur. I say you call in all units."

"Thea, I'm sure the kids are still alive somewhere in Baja California, we just need to-", Arthur began arguing back before getting cut off by his wife who had moved past Arthur and picked up the headset, wirelessly connected to all the teams scattered across Baja California.

"All units must return-"

"All units stand-by.", Arthur finishes as he takes the headset away from his wife, "This isn't the right time to be playing games, Thea. Think about the outcom-"

"I am Arthur! And that's what's bothering me. Keith is dead because of the girl who obviously thrust herself into our family with only one intention.", Thea says angerly as she stops the tears at the edge of her eyes from escaping.

"And you think that her one intention was to betray us?"

"Precisely! She killed my son and Bailey in order to rejoin the Academy because of her hate towards me."

"I'm not understanding your point.", Arthur questions seriously.

"She was brought up a murder Arthur, and ever since childhood too. Killing is a part of her now...she can't and won't change all out of the sudden just for you."

Arthur sighs as he looks up at the widescreen signaling each unit's position.

"All units are ordered to return from their positions.", Arthur says in defeat as he lets a sigh escape his lips; unsure if what he did was right or not.

"All units returning, Sir.", a voice over the speaker replies.

"Sir, the girl is weak shall we finish the boy off too?", the taller of the two Nightcrawlers asks.

Angela stands and glares at DeVito.

"That wasn't part of the plan-", Angela begins before going silent as DeVito holds a loaded pistol at her.

"Well, plans always change don't they.", DeVito states with a dark grin before looking back up at the Nightcrawlers, "Finish him off. As planned."

After the three Nightcrawlers left the room DeVito looks back at Angela.

"Will you be a good girl and stay in your place or do we need to get that point across?"

"No...I'll shut-up...I guess this shouldn't bother me anyway."

DeVito nods as Angela takes a seat bothered by the fact that her ex was about to die and it would all eventually, end up being her fault.

The door jerks open pausing Keith from his thoughts.

"Let's get this over with I've got work to get to.", the Nightcrawler says as he loads a pistol in an annoyed manner, "At least your weak...won't be such a hard struggle trying to finish you off."

The Nightcrawler aims the pistol at Keith's head and just as it went off he fell to the ground, holding his chest where a hole remains, piercing through his heart. Keith stood over the Nightcrawler as he shook the pistol out of the dying Nightcrawler's hand.

"Who said I was weak?", Keith says with his famous smirk as he kicks the Nightcrawler into the compact room and slams the door shut on him, "Now where's Mary Sue..."

"Jennifer, I just don't believe that calling in the teams was the right idea."

"Dad...you did what was right unless someone comes barging through the doors saying 'I've found Keith's location' then-"

"I've found Keith's location!", Dallas yells as he barges through the doors and comes to a stop in front of his father with a wide smile plastered across his face.

"You should keep up the prophecies.", Arthur says bewildered as a wide smile crawls back onto his face.

Jennifer remains motionless, bewildered at what had just happened until she was summoned to the computers.

"So his tracker was reactivated about five minutes ago and I rushed here as soon as possible but anyway his tracker was activated in the middle of a small city in Baja California called Bahia de Los Angeles Jennifer can't you type faster?!"

"Jheeze, calm down Dallas...I'm trying!", Jennifer says as she tries to speed up her typing.

She successfully pulls up Keith's location causing the whole room to dispatch in an uproar of chaos as each individual occupies themselves with someone on the phone.

"Jennifer, I'm going to need a car and Felix.", Arthur says as he slides his arms into the sleeves of his coat.

"Dad, you can't just leave...it's too dangerous and what wil-"

"I'm always in danger sweetie. But with Felix and Dallas by my side, I've got nothing to worry about.", Arthur responds before looking up at Dallas and giving him a slight head nod, "Let's go."

Keith looks around the halls of the laboratory building before making his next move towards the only room that had caught his eye. The only room being guarded by two Nightcrawlers. Keith looks from around the corner he was behind; quickly planning his next move before he crouches down, aims the pistol at the nearest Nightcrawler's head and firing one bullet right after the other.

Both Nightcrawlers collapsed to the ground, unsure of what hit them before Keith crawls out from around the corner and rushes to the door; kicking the Nightcrawlers out of the way while doing so. He quickly opens the door to reveal the exact person he was expecting to see, yet not in such a drastic state.

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