28.| Butter Crumpets

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This chapter is dedicated to @ShipleyTriplet

"Okay Felix clear the hallways.", Keith says as he and Alex approach the closed door separating the lab room from the hallway before they were suddenly surprised when the fire alarms blared to life and Nightcrawlers filed through the hallway; acting like there actually was a fire happening somewhere in the building.

"Good news; they're going into a downstairs room that leads out of the building bad news...you guys have about 30 seconds before they all get in the room and realize that it was a false alarm.", Felix informs Keith and Alex just as they had opened the door for the first time; taking in the sudden appearance of light while stepping into the brightly lighted hallway.

"Understood.", Keith seriously replies turning the corner at a much faster pace Alex silently thanked him for.

They quickly made their way up the empty, poorly lighted stairs and continued until they reached the main floor which was about two stories higher than their arrival floor. Keith flings the door open with his pistol ready in hand. Alex mimics his actions when the door came swinging back towards her and when the realization that Keith's pistol had silently gone off striked her. For such a spacious hall the lighting was very poor but was also very obvious on what would go on in the main hall.

"Continue walking forward for about 50 yards then you will hit a door on your right that say NO TRESPASSING yada yada.", Felix informed them.

"Roger that.", Keith whispers with a grin just as they reached the door.

"Seriously?", Felix remarks annoyed.

"Hey don't blame me! I've always wanted to say it out loud.", Keith whispers out loud before hearing Alex's pistol silently go off twice causing him to spin around in alarm.

"You really gotta get your head out of the clouds and watch out for cameras.", Alex whispers annoyed just as Keith opened the door.

"Felix has got us covered."

"Well, those cameras looked very much alive to me."

"Those cameras looked very much alive to me.", Keith mocks Alex under his breath silently so that all she would be able to hear was mumbles and complaints.

Keith enters the room and just before closing the door he gave her a quick nod. With that as her que, she repositioned the black backpacks straps hanging tightly to her shoulders and took off on a brisk walk while at the same time digging through the backpack and pulling out a tiny, silver circular shaped object known as a bomb.

She throws one at the wall near the door Keith had just entered after clicking on it which caused a red dot to flicker to life. With a satisfied land Alex picks up her pace while she continued her throwing game as she made her way down the Academy's dimly tinted cement walls.

"RUN RUN RUN ALEX!", Felix yells through the earpiece.

"Holy smokes! Lower the tone auctioneer! These earpieces don't have a remote to control the volume, you kn-", Keith begins complaining as he repositioned the petite, frightened brunette on his back.

"They're on their way up to you guys! Alex is about 100 yards away from you Keith; start running!", Felix informs them obviously ignoring Keith's complaints as he continued yelling through the tiny earpiece, until Alex and Keith both yelled at him to shut up.

Keith began sprinting but slowly came to realization that Alex wasn't catching up at all.

"Felix, where's-"

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