36.| Traitor

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After the SUV's came to a stop, Alex and Keith were harshly separated from the car and were quickly led towards a large warehouse structure in the middle of nowhere surrounded by a pack of armed Nightcrawlers. Just as Alex looked over her shoulder to check out her surroundings she caught eye contact with someone she had suspected was the traitor of the whole operation.

Bailey didn't show any sign of guilt or fear as she held a long and hard contact with Alex while she allowed a slow victorious grin spread across her face. The "officer" who was really disguised as a Nightcrawler, shoved Alex forward before gripping her arm harshly and dragging her after him into the building.

Alex and Keith were practically dragged up the stairs before getting shoved into the only room on the second floor. The room was pretty much filled with mounts of papers and bad vibes. Bailey enters with a man, very well known to Alex, quick after her.

Alex yanks her arm out of the Nightcrawler's grips, charges towards the man and gives him a hard swung punch over the face before Bailey gave Alex a hard punch she had been holding in for some time.

Alex remains balanced but not before getting dragged back by the Nightcrawlers who then kicked the back of her knees causing them to buckle inward. Keith quickly solved with the two Nightcrawlers who were attempting to control Alex, which gave Alex an advantage to jump to her feet and charge towards Bailey who had already started towards Alex.

Bailey swung her right leg towards Alex but Alex blocked it before gripping it tightly and swinging it to the right causing Bailey to lose her balance and fall. Bailey quickly rolled over to the left and kicked the feet from under Alex causing her to collapse on her back.

Although Alex wouldn't of have minded trying to fight off Bailey, the Nightcrawlers "came to the rescue" as they quickly picked up Alex and dragged her away from Bailey. Alex was welcomed back to the same position she had previously been introduced to, yet this time; to her left, Keith had been placed in the same position she was in.

He looks at the forming bruise on the left side of her face and at the slowly, oozing blood weaving its way out of her nose until the man standing chuckled as he wiped away the blood dripping out of his mouth from where Alex had punched him.

"At least you haven't forgotten your audacity. I would've expected that the pill Alek gave you worked very well but...looks can be deceiving", DeVito looks up at the Nightcrawlers and nods, "It's her alright...you can finish the boy off."

"NO!", Alex and Bailey yell in unison.

"And who gave you permission to make my decisions. These pupils are in my control so I expect you to-"

"Sir, with all due respect. This 'boy' as you call him is my childhood frien-", Bailey begins arguing back before DeVito cuts her off as he approaches her with a dangerous vibe circling himself.

"And 'friend' relationships, Miss Miller, can be broken. Exactly like Petrova over there...", he says as he eyes travel to Alex, who lay completely unfazed, drawing all the attention to her, "ask her about my son...also known as her boyfriend. She ended that relationship by murdering him!"

Alex was about to shoot a great come-back when Keith elbowed her.

"If you kill him, you lose your chance to try out those new meds.", Bailey argues back.

Keith looks at Alex in disbelief and shock, yet Alex remained unfazed by the statement Bailey had just made. Alex had already expected Bailey to say something along those lines. DeVito looks at Keith and shakes his head as his gaze shifts back to Alex.

"No...the meds are going to be tested on Petrova as planned. Lock him up somewhere and keep him there until I decide what to do with him.", DeVito orders the Nightcrawlers with a hint of victory in his command.

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