24.| Headmasters Son

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"I can't believe you did that in front of the whole agency!", Jasper exclaims just as his team; including their new teammate, Alex get into a silver sports BMW.

"I just jabbed my elbow in princes stomach. I didn't shoot him.", Alex defends as she rolls her eyes.

Keith sits in the back seats with Alex after Felix claimed the driver's seat and Jasper the passenger. Felix adjusts the mirror in the car and wiggles his eyebrows at Alex as he looks into it. 

"Don't get any ideas genius.", Alex snaps as she throws Felix her famous death glare.

"Okay, so you read the papers? You're sure you know what to do?"

"Yes, your highness now flick off will you?", Alex says annoyed as she yanks her arm out of Keith's grasp and walks out of the car.

"Don't call me that!", Keith yells after Alex as she closes the door after herself.

"Ugh...tough love?", Felix asks as Keith gets out of the car.

Keith glares at him before pushing him and closing his door; leaving Felix to laugh at his own joke.

After they had gathered their supplies and stashed themselves with weapons the Alpha team began to make their way through the forest until their target comes to sight. They all secretly had a spark of fear but they slowly crouched down and approached the end of the forest before coming to a halt and exchanged nervous glares. With a nod from Keith, they pull on their masks which were exactly Identical to the ones the Nightcrawlers from the Academy were wearing.

"Dad. They're in.", Jennifer calls out just as Arthur walks over to her and looks down at the monitor.

"Any deaths yet?"

"...eleven.", Jennifer says hesitantly.

"Already! Okay well I mean a jobs got to get done, let's just continue....are any of them injured?"

"No, Dad. They're the Alphas for a reason."

"Robin!", a voice belonging to Keith calls over the Bluetooth in Jennifer's ear.

"Here. What's up?", Jennifer says in a worried tone.

"Were in, but the bodies outside will look suspicious and we need our cloned files eliminated out of their system before the Headmaster gets to them."

"On it. Don't worry about the files or bodies I got them handled just get the job done and-and be safe Keith.", she ensures worriedly as the line goes silent.

Jennifer picks up a phone and dials in a number she had found on her laptop.

"You sure you got this?", Keith asks Alex in an unsure tone.

"Yes, I'm sure now just go to your, you know.", she says annoyed as she rolls her eyes under the mask.

"Okay just be careful and don't let him get into your mind, okay?"

"Yea, yea.", Alex says waving it off as she spins on her heels and begins to walk off.

"Oh and Alex...", Keith calls causing Alex to look over her shoulder, "Memories may come back if you see his face. Better to just let him die with his face covered."

Keith awkwardly ends before getting a quick nod from her and both part ways. Alex makes her way through the halls, nodding once in while to some of the Nightcrawlers in acknowledgment; not wanting to look suspicious until she reaches the stairs and jumps from step to step.

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