30.| Ravenstone Operation Completed

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A silver off road jeep comes to a stop in front of the market just as the young fit male driver jumps out with the keys dangling in his left hand. Alex approaches him with a plastic smile which he returned with a grin and once over before she bumps into his left shoulder. He looks over his shoulder with a grin but to his surprise he was only encountered with the beauty of emptiness; with an unsatisfied frown he spins on his heels and pridefully trots into the market.

Alex stands from behind the jeeps tire and jumps into the passengers leather seat before crawling over the gears onto the driver's seat. She unwraps her fingers, revealing the car keys that had once been in the hand of a stuck up, prideful jerk; excluding Keith, in a satisfied manner.

"You can stand up now. He's gone.", Alex says after she had brought the jeep back to life with a swift turn of her right hand.

A small head pops from the back seats as Alex puts the car into reverse and orders the little girl to put on her seatbelt. Lavinia does as instructed just in time to get thrown into the seat at the sudden bolt of speed Alex had caused. The little girl begins giggling while Alex changes the gear and quickly puts on the sunglasses that had flown out of their place when the jeep accelerated at an amazingly high rate of speed.

"Keith? Where are you guys at?", Alex yells hoping some of the words could be understood since the jeep had no cover.

"Alex? Did you say something?", Keith asks.

"Where! Are! You! Guys?!", Alex yells again.

"Oh, were-jheeze I thought I was a crazy driver but speeding through the town at that rate of speed with a jeep is beyond-", Keith states bewildered.

"Did you say jeep?! A speeding silver jeep?!", Alex yells with hopes that he wouldn't make her repeat the questions again as the jeep comes to a slow halt.

"Shining deep? I don't freakin' know what that means but I did see a silver jeep. Were under-oh the jeeps backing u...that's you isn't it?", Keith says just as Alex come to a stop in front of them.

Lavinia looks at the boys with wide eyes full of happiness and realization that she was once again, finally surrounded by people she knew. All three boys file into the jeep; Jasper and Felix in the back while Keith; of course, claims the passenger seat and just before Alex could push down on the gas pedal Keith intrudes...as usual.

"Oh, by the way we'll need to stop by the airport to pick up Bailey; Oscar's wittle sister.", Keith says as he types in the address and places his phone in front of the jeeps panel vector and with that set up Alex pushes down on the gas pedal leaving the Ravenstone Operation behind them.

A blonde girl dressed in tan long sleeved crop top and black jeans carrying a hilfiger duffle bag stood while scrolling through her phone before she lifted her head while her eyes, behind the dark shade of sunglasses trailed up just in time to see the silver, off road jeep with wide tires roll up to the curve she had been waiting at.

Felix picks up Lavinia, places her on his lap and switches spots with Jasper just as the blonde girl jumps into the silver jeep and places her small bag on her lap. She nods to Jasper and Felix before giving Alex a hard glare when she realized she wasn't the only girl in the car.

"Bailey, I would like you to meet Alex the professional assassin dad has just recruited. Alex, meet Bailey Oscar's little sister who will be your next assissignment.", Keith informs both girls with an ending grin after they had left the airport tunnel.

Alex gives him a death glare; one major reason being that she could already tell that she wasn't going to like this blonde "Bailey" girl and second being that Keith had just now informed her that she would be working in some way with her. Bailey remained motionless in the backseat, unsure of how to react to this information; she wasn't sure he was just messing around with them like he always does or if he was actually telling the truth.

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