9.| A Likely Welcome Back

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"May I help you Miss?"

Natalia turns around and looks for the source from which the voice came from. An elderly gentleman sat behind the counter smiling. She nods once before fixing the duffle bags strap over her shoulder and walking up to the counter.

"I wanted to return this key from room B13."

"Oh why yes, I'll just need your name please."

"Jackie Alicorn."

"Ah! Miss Alicorn your boyfriend, Mr. Carter, passed by here and told me to give you this."

He holds up a car key with the Audi's logo engraved on it. Natalia hands him the hotel room key and takes the car key in exchange. She gives him a quick smile before turning around.

"Have a good rest of your day Miss Alicorn."

Natalia looks back as the automatic doors open with a plastic smile.

"You as well."

She turns back around and walks out of the hotel.

"I sure hope it ends well", was the last thing Natalia said before getting into the Audi R8 and speeding off.

Natalia had just arrived at the Academy, yet here she was standing in front of DeVito; the only person she did not want to see at all, especially now. DeVito's assistant hands him a file with 'Shawn Marsh' imprinted on the front in red.

Natalia clenches her fist as she makes eye contact with DeVito. A fake smile spreads across his face as he hides his true emotions.

"Natalia...", he says as he looks down, sighs and chuckles softly before looking back up at Natalia, "there are some days you please me beyond belief and there are some...well let's just make it short and say, you don't. Would you mind telling me what day this is?"

Natalia's dry lips part as she quietly croaks out 'bad'. DeVito nods as he folds his hands together and scans his desk.

"Now would you mind explaining why you came in two days late?", he questions a little louder as he looks back up at Natalia with a frown.

Natalia clears her throat and licks her lips before responding.

"After killing Shawn I-I was told that I went into a coma for two days."

"And why would you go into coma for two days straight?"

"I-", Natalia stops as her throat dries up and glups a mouthful of saliva before continuing, "was shot."

"Be specific or else were gonna be going like this all day, I have time."

Natalia sighs annoyed and straightens up.

"Shawn Marsh shot me in the right upper forearm so I went into coma, someone brought me back into the hotel room through a back door, took out the bullet and sewed me up."

His eyes scrunch up still not pleased and Natalia knew what was coming.

"Who is this someone that was so helpful?"

Natalia remains silent, although she hated defending others she was doing this for the sake of the Jones. If DeVito were to know about who the Jones were he would wipe off everyone descending from their family. Even though Natalia wouldn't care less about what happened to them something inside her kept the truth from escaping.

"Natalia, you do know what happens if you defend the guilty don't you?"

The look in her eyes told DeVito everything he needed to know; she was not about to talk anytime soon. He stands up and folds his arms across his chest as he inhales and exhales slowly.

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