6.| 'Killer'

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Hey guys sorry for the late update I was really busy this whole week (since I started track) and never found time to write out another page of Shattered on google docs so here's my four paged chapter.

I hope you guys enjoy and thx for all ur support ;)

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Reaching to the bottom floor Natalia looks around before speed walking through the hall. A bright light shone from a room to the left making Natalia stop and crouch down to take a peek into the room. Her eyes widen when she recognizes a familiar face and didn't waste any time to walk down the hall a couple feet to the door. She slams her body weight against the door which to her surprise broke down way to easily. Adeline's eyes widen as she looks up from the chair she was tied down to.

The sound of soft footsteps made Natalia whip around with alert eyes as she dodges the swinging fist that would of made impact with her jaw if she had not dodged it. She could feel the adrenaline rushing through her body as she threw her fist towards the man's sharp cheekbone.

As it makes impact the man flies backwards and another two take his place. Natalia takes out her throwing knife and throws it at the man further back with her left hand while she swings her other blood stained hand towards the closer man. The closer man ducks and instead swings his fist into her stomach, causing her to fall backwards.

Natalia quickly turns over and begins to stand when out of the sudden she feels a foot step on her back. She slams against the ground and spits out blood before a powerful hand grabs a chunk of her hair and pulls her upwards.

She screams but doesn't hesitate to pull out her pistol and throw her feet at his own. In the middle of his falling he releases her hair but not in time. Natalia topples over too but quickly stands up and aims the gun at the fallen man. Her finger was about to push the trigger back when she hears a raspy voice holler behind her and Adeline scream.

"You fire...so do I, Killer."

"Don't listen to hi-!", Adeline doesn't finish but yells in pain as her hair gets yanked.

Natalia looks over her shoulder as her blue eyes lock on his darkened cinnamon eyes. A wide grin spreads across his face before Natalia lowers her pistol and allows the man pinned against the ground stand up and push her forward. Once she's about one foot away from him she stops and looks up at him as the man behind her takes her pistol and aims it at her head.

"Put your gun away and let her go", Natalia orders.

His eyebrows furrow before he begins laughing uncontrollably. Natalia lifts her eyebrows in confusion but slowly notices the reason to his laugh. Shawn calms down and puts on a serious face but the twinkle remains in his eyes as he makes eye contact with Natalia.

"No one tells m-"

He gets interrupted with a surprise punch in the face. Natalia quickly ducks,  predicting that the man behind her would fire or punch Shawn; to her surprise her prediction was correct. The man behind her punches Shawn in the face, making him sprawl to the floor and release Adeline.

Shawn stands up with his pistol in his hand and fires it at Natalia's right upper arm as she had began to stand. The man behind her once again grabs her by the hair and forces her to look upwards towards Shawn who was wiping the blood slowly oozing out of his mouth.

"No one tells me what to do!"

Natalia grits her teeth as she tries to hold in the pain but still manages to mock him.

"Well", she says as she tries to control her breathing, "I guess this will be a new change for you."


Everyone looks at Adeline when out of the sudden the window shatters and a tall figure cowers over the man holding Natalia's hair.

The muscular looking figure fights him off while leaving Natalia to fight off Shawn. He quickly finishes the man off and joins Natalia in the fight with Shawn.

She gives her full attention to Shawn and blocks his incoming fist. Natalia swings her fist at Shawn and it comes to contact with his sharp jaw.

The figure goes behind Shawn and wraps his arm around his throat. Shawn tries fighting him off but instead gets punched in the stomach by Natalia and gets released.

Natalia picks up the pistol from the dead man behind her and doesn't hesitate to complete the mission.

She aims at his head and fires.

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