10.| An Honest Soul

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Teddy makes his way to the Duel's Ring and looks at Natalia blankly. Natalia's gaze trails up to DeVito as she tries reading his face, hoping that this was all a joke. But when Teddy throws his fist towards her face, she then notices it was no joke. Natalia blocks it and quickly pins him down.

"What's gotten into you?", she whispers before Teddy kicks her in the stomach and jumps to his feet.

Natalia falls backward but quickly stands just in time to block another incoming fist. Teddy quickly throws a couple more fists towards her face before Natalia notices the pattern he was using. This didn't make her feel confident whatsoever since she soon noticed what he was doing. Something that was said to be against the Academy's rules, yet it was used by the headmasters own son.

The only person she trusted her whole life was using her own moves, everything she had worked so hard on molding and mastering was going to waste. This just aggravated her more than she already was.

The adrenaline coursed through her veins as she jolt backwards dodging a fist from the Teddy that had suddenly become so ruthless. He kept throwing fists towards her causing her to back up slowly, pinning her in a corner with only one thing in mind; fight for victory.

Natalia hit the back of the pole from the ring and that's when she noticed she was cornered which was something she got too distracted to notice. Her heart began to pump faster as her eyes widened with a hint of fear displayed in them. She was aching from all the workout she had done and all the hits she received from the previous battles, which didn't go unnoticed to Teddy.

He took this as an advantage and began to speed up his fists that Natalia, to his own surprise kept dodging. Both knew that they couldn't keep this up forever which is why Natalia was the first to make a different move that surprised Teddy, yet it didn't stop him from making his move too.

While Natalia grabbed his right arm and punched his rib cage Teddy took this advantage and threw his much weaker fist towards Natalia's face.

His fist makes contact with her top eye bone which pleased him but not the crack coming from his ribs. Natalia releases his arm before flipping backwards from the impact and landing on the concrete just as an ice cold rush of wind travels down her spine.

Blood immediately began to fill the floor as the crowd backed up awaiting for the winner to be announced, but no one could since both Natalia and Teddy get back on their feet and were ready to continue fighting. Natalia found her way into the ring and just as her and Teddy were about to lurch forward at each other, a couple of Nightcrawlers reached the ring in time and pulled them apart.

Natalia pushes and attempts to escape their grip obviously wanting to give Teddy a piece of her mind but couldn't manage past the first three. She was immediately soothed when she heard a familiar voice. All her kicking and pushing stopped the moment his face appeared.

"Natalia! What the heck did you do to yourself?!", Alek exclaims.

Natalia looks at the two Nightcrawlers on both of her sides before jerking her arms out of their grips and looking at Alek annoyed with her blood stained face.

"What you think I'm doing? Dancing on a rainbow with a unicorn?"

He rolls his eyes.

"Stop acting so cocky, lets get you to the infirmary."

Natalia inhales sharply and follows obiediently but looks back one last time at the grinning DeVito before traveling down to meet Teddy's hollow looking dark green eyes.

"Competition", she spat before storming off with a group of Nightcrawlers close behind.

After getting stitched up Natalia was sent to her dorm in the Hall, yet she couldn't sleep. All she had been doing was trying to come down with an answer to why Teddy played such a weird behavior after her return. But every idea she got, always brought her to the same conclusion; DeVito must've forced Teddy to do it since he was so pissed at Natalia for her late return.

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