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Chapter 1 - First Encounter

"Put that chair against the wall over there, put that there, and put this painting here." Once the men got everything in the right positions, the office looked spectacular.

"Oh wow, Miss Brooke..." Mr Wills, CEO of DALIA - a high fashion magazine- gasped.

Alexia spun around and found the old but surprisingly still strong and energetic man standing in the doorway. The smile on his face said it all. "I love it." He said, while walking in with arms open. "You are definitely the best."

"I'm only doing my job, sir." Alexia smiled and he went on to look around the room.

"And you nailed it." Mr Wills stopped by the large mahogany desk and turned around to face her. "So how long will it take for everything to be done?" He asked.

"With the kind of budget we have, I will say everything will be done in two days."

"Two days?" Mr Wills exclaimed, not so sure that could happen.

"Yes, sir. It's a few days ahead of what was initially planned."

"It is, but are you sure you can do it?" Mr Wills was heading for the door and Alexia followed him.

"Yes sir, absolutely."

"There are still a couple of offices not furnished yet."

"Don't worry about that sir." He stopped abruptly and turned around to face her with a straight face.

"Miss Brooke, you are no doubt a professional and hardworking woman. I respect your motives and decisions, but do not do any shoddy work on the remaining offices because you made a deadline for yourself."

"That won't happen sir, I assure you." Alexia was more confident now than ever and she was positive everything would be ready in two days. Mr Wills was worried about the remaining offices. However, that was not a major issue for her and her team. All that mattered was that the large offices were out of their way. As for the remaining small ones, it would be a piece of cake.

Mr Wills raised a brow as his facial muscles pulled into a serious expression. "Okay." He agreed and then she smiled. "Can you please come with me? I want you to make some changes to my office. I liked that painting you hanged in here, so I want a similar one in my office as well."

"Alright sir," Mr Wills proceeded to open the door and as soon as they walked out of the office, they ran into his son, Bernard Wills.

"Good morning, I hope I'm not late?" He asked, while smirking at Alexia who frowned at him.

She and Mr Wills' son did not get along too well. Since the very first day she was hired for this project; he had been hitting on her, sending her flowers and chocolate, trying to get her to go out with him. Alexia vehemently refused, because she never got involved with her clients and also, she has heard a lot of about him and knew what he was... a playboy.

"Bernard, try to be more punctual Okay? I kept you in charge of this project and even this you are not being serious about it. I wonder what would have become of it, if Miss Brooke wasn't a hard worker." Mr Wills' words brought a smile to Alexia's face and Bernard frowned.

"Thank you very much sir." She said and sent a knowing smirk Bernard's way.

"I will be more punctual from tomorrow onwards." He said to his father and averted his gaze from Alexia.

"Come Miss Brooke." Mr Wills said, but before they departed from there, another man arrived. "Colin my boy, how nice of you to stop by."

Alexia's gaze moved from Bernard after Mr Wills' gasp and landed on the most handsome man she had ever seen. This man's looks dumbfounded her and she could do nothing but stare. He has sharp blue eyes, jet-black hair neatly cut, yet hung over his eyes slightly. Cheekbones defined his face along with his light stubble that lined his jaw. A black suit fitted his tall and brawny physique. As if knowing that someone was staring, he looked in her direction.

The Casanova's Game ✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant