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Alexia has lived with Colin for five days now. During that period, not once did he make her feel uncomfortable. He gave her space and did not at all act like a jerk. She liked him that way, because she got the chance to see his other side. That side Samantha had once told her about.

Also, during those days, he had been busy taking care of the issues of her house and company with the police. She was very thankful that he was settling those things for her because she did not think she would have had the strength to do it on her own. He even asked Daphne to come keep her company, slash, bodyguard her.

Alexia got the chance to know her during their time today. She was a sweet and lovely person and Alexia felt guilty that she had imagined bad things about her. She ended up confessing to Daphne who told her that she suspected it was so. They had laughed about it and then watched a movie afterwards.

The week soon ended and then it was the weekend. Alexia and Colin were going shopping today. His fridge lacked groceries and she was getting sick and tired of eating noodles for breakfast, lunch and supper, all day every day. Thankfully, last night he agreed to go shopping when she brought it up.

The knock on the door made her shoot up from the chair. "Are you ready?" Colin's voice came through and she replied.

"Yes." That instant, her stomach churned. Picking up her purse from the bed, she made her way to the door.

Colin smiled when he saw her. It was as if they planned it. She was wearing a red and white polka dot blouse, over white jeans with feet in flats and hair in a ponytail. While he was in a red plaid shirt, white jeans with matching sneakers. His heart gave a thud when she smiled. After closing her door, they moved down the hallway.

"I'm guessing you will be paying for the groceries since you are dragging me there." He said.

"I would have gladly gone alone, but it was you who insisted to take me. Or am I wrong?" She raised an eyebrow and he chuckled. "Besides, of course you will pay for the groceries. I am your guest, that's the least you can do." She smiled while he shook his head with a smirk.

As they made their way down the stairs, he leant in and whispered in her ear. "You are looking gorgeous."

Alexia could not hide the smile that formed on her lips or the warmth that erupted on her cheeks. Glancing at him, she said. "Thank you and you do not look too bad yourself."

Colin wanted to take her hand in his, but he did not know if she would like it if he did. He had tried to make her feel comfortable in his house, by not laying a finger on her, but it was killing him. All this time, he wanted to hold her hand, hug her close to him, smell her hair, kiss her lips and just be close to her always. However, he stopped himself many times from doing it.

It is not the right time yet. He told himself yet again.

They went out and got into his Ferrari. Colin drove them to a supermarket, which Alexia recommended. Apparently, it was her favourite place to shop in this city. He parked the car at the parking lot and they went inside. Alexia pushed the shopping cart and picked out the things while Colin followed.

"You seem to know what to buy." He said, while they turned into another aisle.

"I know what I want." She told him.

"What about, what I want?" He asked and she glanced at him.

"And what about what you want?" She asked and he feigned shock.

"Excuse me, sweetheart. You, my dear, are living in my house. I was kind enough to take you shopping and pay for everything, but you are buying only what you want. What about my wants?"

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