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Colin's POV

Alexia's face was still fresh in his mind. Her flawless figure in the royal blue dress was still clear, her curves still vivid and untamed, and the smell of her cologne never leaving his senses. This was what Alexia was doing to him. She was driving him nuts and he was afraid he would lose his mind one of these days.

Alexia was special. Alexia was different. Alexia was unlike the other women he had chased. Alexia _Alexia _Alexia; she was all he thought about. Her intoxicating cologne, her soft hair, her alluring eyes and her beautiful lips, were stuck on his mind. All he wanted to do was see her, but he had been busy these past few days. The work in the office was piling every day and he had to finish them before he could go out and have fun.

It was strange how he desperately wanted to see her. He had not seen her since he left her at the balcony at the opening ceremony. That night, he had kept an eye out for her, but she had disappeared among the crowd. Even after the party ended, he did not see her, but saw her ex boyfriend instead.

Elijah Martin, he was told was his name. The man who broke Alexia's heart, the man he was in competition with. Anyway, Colin was not worried about him, because he knew this would be an easy win. Alexia did not want anything to do with that brute. Yes, he had heard what she told him that night by accident. However, he was glad his ears caught it.

"Ah Alexia," Colin sighed her name and reclined in his chair, staring at the ceiling. Her beautiful face crossed through his mind and he smiled.

There was a knock on his door and he corked his head to see Alison, his secretary poking her head through the door. "Sir, Mrs Kelvin is on the phone." She said.

Colin sat up straight in his chair and then said. "Thank you." After Alison closed the door behind her, he took the telephone and pressed it to his ear. "Hello mother."

"How is my son doing?" His mother's lovely voice asked and he could not help the smile that broke on his face. His mother was a wonderful person who he held very dear to his heart.

"He is doing great. However, has a lot of work?"

"Well, he will have to get that work finished by the end of the day and prepare to come home."

"No, I can't mother, I'm sorry. There are just too many things to do." Colin rushed his fingers through his dark hair and relaxed on his chair, stretching his legs beneath the table.

"Colin Marcellus Knight, I won't take no this time. You are coming and that's that."

"Mother, I was with you three days ago at the opening ceremony of the new headquarters of DALIA, remember?" Colin refreshed her memory and she sighed.

"Yes, I remember." There was a smile in her voice as she continued. "I think I also remember seeing you unable to get your hands off the beautiful Miss Brooke."

Colin smiled and remembered that moment. It was his mother who had interrupted them when he was about to kiss Alexia.

"Yes, that time was enough."

"I was the only one there. Rees and Sofia were not with me. They miss you very much, especially Sofia. That girl has been nagging me to make you come home and all those times you cancelled, she has been crushed."

"Sofia, I miss that little bundle of joy so much." Colin smiled. "However..."

"You still won't come home?" She interjected. "Fine then, I guess, you will not be seeing Alexia Brooke when she arrives."

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh I almost forget to tell you Colin," His mum drawled and he could imagine the smirk on her face. "I hired Miss Brooke to come decorate the house and she'll be arriving tonight." With that, she hung up.

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