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“All the credit goes to Alexia Brooke, the brain behind the décor. Let’s give her a hand.” The host mentioned her name and she stood up from her seat. The whole room went into applause and after a few moments, she sat down.

It was the opening ceremony of the new headquarters of DALIA, and everything looked marvellous. Alexia and her team were able to finish decorating the offices and organise the opening ceremony as planned. Mr Wills had been impressed with their handwork and skill and congratulated them on a job well done.

The congratulatory comments kept pouring in and even today at the opening ceremony, it did not stop coming. Almost everyone in the hall had congratulated her and a few even spoke of getting her on board on their company projects.

Alexia was all smiles and thought nothing could take down her smile, until she saw Elijah. She had no idea who invited him however, she planned to get very far away from him_ and she had done that. She managed to avoid him throughout the party until they went to their tables and she found him sitting next to her.

“Congratulations!” Elijah said and she plastered a smile on her face, and just like the way she replied everyone else who congratulated her today, she said.

“Thank you, it was all team effort.” Alexia averted her gaze from him immediately.

“Alexia,” Elijah said and grabbed her hand beneath the table. Alexia quickly gave him a murderous stare. “Please let’s talk.” He said softly and his golden brown eyes, like that of honey, pierced through her green ones.  

Alexia was speechless for a few moments for two reasons. One, Elijah’s eyes had never been so captivating. Two, she saw desperation in them. For the first time in a long time, she was considering listening to him. “Elijah,” she said.

“Please Alexia, just this once listen to me.”

“So what do you have to say for yourself?” Alexia snapped. “Are you going to try to convince me that what I saw in your dorm room was not real? Are you going to blame everything on Chelsea? What are you going to say Elijah? Do you intend on denying everything?” She gulped for air after saying everything quickly.

“No, I accept my crimes. I did cheat on you with Chelsea when we were dating.” Elijah’s words stuck her like a knife and sent a sharp pain to her heart.

Alexia already knew this truth because Chelsea revealed it to her before they graduated. It had shattered her heart then, and she thought that it would not hurt if Elijah confessed it to her, but boy was she wrong. It hurt as much as it did the first time.

“Alexia, I was a jerk then. I did not know the true meaning of trust and I broke it. I broke the heart of the girl who truly loves me.”

“Loved,” She quickly corrected. “And I guess you learnt that right after Chelsea dumped you.” Alexia said and his head hung low.

“I leant it the hard way. But I also paid the price.” Elijah’s head came back up and he gently squeezed her hand. “I lost you.”

“So it was after Chelsea dumped you that you realized that you loved me?”

“No. I have always been in love with you, but I was too blind then to see it. Alexia, I am sorry. Please forgive me. All I ask from you now, is to give me a second chance. Please, I want to win your heart and trust again.”

“No.” Alexia’s reply was quick and stern.

“Why?” He sounded hurt but she did not care, because she was hurting more than he was. He had just admitted to cheating on her and not realizing how much he hurt her until Chelsea dumped him. She had suffered too much already because of him and she was not about to give him another chance to hurt her again. It was better he left. “Do you have a boyfriend? Is that man I saw you with at the restaurant your boyfriend?”

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