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"Oh my God, what happened?" Daphne asked as soon as she opened her door and saw Alexia standing in her threshold with tears rushing out of her eyes.

"Please say yes to this. Can I stay with you tonight?" She asked between sobs.


Daphne brought her inside and sent her straight to her bedroom. Alexia quickly lay down and folded her knees to meet her chin. She pushed her face into the pillow to hide away from Daphne.

She did not want her to see her face. However, she could not control her cries. Her heart was hurting. It felt like someone had pushed a knife inside and twisted it from left to right. Her heart was bleeding and she was to blame for it.

Alexia still could not believe that she actually thought he had changed. Now she understood that, he would never change.

"Alexia." A hand fell on her shoulder.

Daphne wanted to console her. She wanted to hold her in her arms and assure her that everything will be all right. However, she had no idea why she was crying. It worried her that Alexia was crying like this. Her eyes were red and swollen. She wondered how long she had been crying.

Moving closer to her, Daphne patted her back. Sighing she thought if it was because of Colin. Did he do something to her? She suddenly felt angry after having that thought. She would definitely let Colin have it, if he was the one that made her cry.

The telephone suddenly rang and she moved from the bed to get it. She took the receiver and moved into the hallway before speaking. "Yes?"

"Is Alexia with you?" It was Colin.

"What did you do to her?" She questioned and heard him sighed.

"It was a misunderstanding and I have to clear it up. I will be there very soon." He hung up before she could say no.


There was a knock on the door and Daphne went to get it.

"Where is she?" Colin asked while stepping inside her apartment. He looked around the living room.

"I am not telling you where she is until you tell me what you did to her. She is crying her eyes out right now. What the heck did you do?" She yelled.

"Show me where she is." He was getting exasperated himself.

"Not until..." he cut in.

"She's in your room right? Thanks." He dashed through the hallway and then went in the direction of the bedroom.

As he approached, he heard her cries. His heart sank and footsteps slowed. He was now outside the door, but feared knocking. He feared what would happen if he went in there.

While he was driving here, he had contemplated whether to tell her about Lora or not. He did not like speaking about it. The things that happened with Lora greatly affected him. However, he knew that if he did not tell her, Lily would.

Colin prefers her hearing the story from him, than from Lily. That woman had the knack for twisting truths and making small issues look big. Moreover, since she swore to make Alexia hate him, he could not take that risk and let her come close to her.

Slowly, he opened the door and saw her figure on the bed. The sight pulled at his heartstrings and then made him heave a long sigh. "Alexia." He said.

She quickly shot up from bed, as she was not expecting him there. Sitting up, she faced him. That was when he saw her eyes and face. His heart gave a painful thud and he folded his hands by his side.

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