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Her office never looked so organized. The files, which were never in order, were in perfect arrangement today. So were the pens, pencils, papers and other stationery objects. Her desk was more spacious now that the clutter was gone.

Alexia was surprised. Her eyes scanned the room and everything was spotless. A smile formed on her lips as she guessed who might have done this.

Sally. She thought.

That secretary probably did all this to impress her, so she would rehire her as her secretary. Sally was actually smarter than she thought.

Getting behind her desk, Alexia took her seat and then reached for the telephone. If Sally so desperately wanted to her job back, she could have just said so, other than going through all the trouble. Alexia thought. Although, she liked what she did and would ask her to continue with it.

She called the receptionist. "Please tell Sally to come to my office."

"Am sorry Miss, but Sally did not come to work today." The receptionist replied.

"Are you sure?" She was puzzled.

"Yes, Miss." Now Alexia was worried.

"Okay, but do you have any idea who might have come into my office?"

"Is there a problem?" The receptionist asked.

"No, just um... something here is different."

"The only person who I'm aware came into your office was Daphne."

"Daphne?" Alexia did not know anyone working in her company with such a name.

"Yes, Miss. She's the new secretary we hired."

"Okay, thank you." With that, Alexia hung up.

She smiled while placing the phone to the receiver.

"Daphne," she mumbled, already loving the name. Even though she had not met her yet, she liked her already. Her new secretary was hard working. Her office was the proof of it. Something told her they would get along fine.

But, where did she go? Alexia thought, the same time the door opened. A woman with curly brown hair walked in with two cups of coffee. She was dressed in a pantsuit and her hair was in a ponytail. Her hazel eyes sparkled as she smiled.

"Good morning Madam." She said as she reached the desk and then placed one cup in front of her. "I am Daphne Meyers, your new secretary."

Alexia stared at her familiar face and tried to place her. She was sure she had seen that face before, but she couldn't remember where.

"Nice to meet you Daphne. I am Alexia Brooke." She extended her hand and as Daphna shook it, she remembered.

It is the woman from the hospital!

Alexia was quick to withdraw her hand and then rose to her feet. Her eyes stayed on Daphne's hand as she remembered. That day at the hospital, she had used those hands to hug Colin. Raising her eyes to meet Daphne's, full on, Alexia frowned.

Now she wasn't so excited about working with her. No! She did not want to work with a woman who had gotten close or maybe personal with Colin. Daphne was great but she couldn't possibly work with her. No.

She would be a constant reminder of the day she first felt the emotion: jealousy.

"Madam, are you okay?" Daphne asked and then Alexia sat back down.

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