Chapter Six

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Please excuse any errors, this chapter isn't thoroughly proofread but I will go back later on and edit it.

Armoni POV:

"Chris, get up. I'm about to go." I told him as I walked back into the bedroom. After calming Aaliyah down and ending our phone call, I packed a bag and made arrangements for the jet to be prepared to leave immediately.

"What's wrong? What happened?" He asked, sitting up and looking at me with concern.

"Woo died. I don't know what happened, Li just called and told me he was pronounced dead at the scene." I explained making his face drop.

"Excuse me, What? Are you for real?" He asked, raising his voice. I simply sighed and nodded my head in response. "Damn. That's heavy, I'm so sorry baby." He said extending his arms and reaching out to me. I walked into his arms and stood in between his legs while his hands ran up and down my back. I really appreciated being in his embrace because it was giving me a sense of comfort and peace.

"I think I'm in shock right now." I admitted.

"Yeah, it's so sudden and unexpected. I think that's why we're so calm about it." He nodded his head, understanding what I meant.

"Yeah. Aaliyah sounded really bad, I can only imagine how Whitney, Austin, and the kids are dealing with it." I sighed.

"Right. I couldn't imagine losing one of ours. That's a pain I don't ever wanna experience." He mumbled, making me nod my head.

"I gotta get to the kids babe." I said finally pulling away from his embrace.

"You're about to fly out there now?" He asked.

"Yes." I replied, making him sigh.

"Don't take this wrong way Mookie. I think you should definitely be there for the kids but you should also be mindful of your health. You're scheduled to have a major surgery in less than two weeks baby. You don't need to be back and forth on an airplane. Either stay there with them until your surgery or fly them here to stay for a while." He said making me frown as I shook my head.

"I understand where you're coming from but these are my kids and grandkids we're talking about Christopher." I reminded him. "I have kids here that need me too, I'm not going to neglect them. Whitney and Austin don't live here, I can't uproot them and their children."

"The same kids and grandkids you won't tell about your illness?" He asked. "I'm not trying to argue with you but you need to be mindful of yourself while you're out here trying to be super woman."

"Get out my face Lamont." I said raising my voice at him.

"Who you talking to? And why you yelling at me? I didn't yell at you, so don't yell at me." He said grabbing my wrist.

"I'm not doing this with you right now Lamont. Either you're coming with me or you're not. My grandson just died so forgive me if I'm not with the bullshit right now." I said snatching away from him.

"Your grandson? Just cause my name isn't on Austin's adoption papers doesn't mean I'm less of a parent. I was there for all of them just like you were. He's my grandson too." Chris scoffed, making me sigh.

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