Chapter Eleven

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I sat on the uncomfortable couch, across from Austin's hospital bed looking at his battered and bruised body. His body was so still that if it weren't for the beeping monitors, I wouldn't have even known he was alive. There were so many feelings, thoughts and emotions running through me and I was honestly overwhelmed. I've been deep in prayer for not only the well being and health of my kids but my state of mind and spirit.

My son had been in a comatose state for six whole days. When I was on my way to beat his ass, I got a call. While driving drunk, Austin drove off one of the highest bridges in the city and his car fell fifteen feet onto the highway. Thankfully they were doing construction so no oncoming traffic was coming. The only good thing was, no other cars were involved and no innocent people were hurt.

Austin could have and should have died in the wreck. The police informed me that the only thing that saved his life was the fact that he was wearing a seatbelt and the fact that his body was relaxed due to him being drunk. My son was dealing with several life threatening injuries and he was literally fighting for his life.

Six broken ribs, a broken collarbone, fractured skull, bleeding and swelling on his brain, a broken ankle, internal bleeding, a fractured femur and a concussion. I was just grateful he was alive. Despite his bad choices in life, this was my son and I loved him. Seeing him laid up in this bed hurt me but what hurt me more is what put him in this bed. As much physical pain he would be in when he woke up, won't even amount to the mental pain he'll feel.

My mind drifted to my daughter in law and my two grand babies, making me sigh. Just like Austin; Whitney's body was beaten, battered and bruised as well. Her injuries included two missing teeth, a broken jaw, broken nose, a busted lip, a black eye, fractured ribs, and a broken hand. The kids had been staying with Aaliyah and Matthew because Whitney didn't want her children to see her like that and I didn't blame her one bit. When I first saw her, I broke down in tears. My heart ached for her and it was made worse because my son was the person responsible for this beautiful girl's pain and suffering.

Austin better be glad that he got into that car accident before I was able to get to him. He would've been a hashtag and I would've been in jail if I would've been able to lay my hands on him.

Whitney was dismissed from the hospital two days ago and since then, I've been running back and forth between them making sure that everybody was taken care of. My phone began to ring and I smiled, seeing that it was my husband calling me on FaceTime.

"Hi Big Daddy." I smirked, answering his call.

"Hey Mama, I got those pictures you sent." He smirked, making me laugh. Just because we were thousands of miles away, doesn't mean we can't keep our marriage spicy. Just a few minutes ago, I slipped into the bathroom and took a few nudes to send to him because I was bored.

"You like them?" I asked, biting my bottom lip.

"Of course, I got you tonight." He replied. My heart skipped a beat as a big grin stretched across my face.

"Can't wait." I sang, making him chuckle.

"How you feeling?" He asked me, making me sigh loudly. Physically I was feeling okay but my mental state was in shambles.

"I'm good baby. How are you?" I asked, him. After a few appointments with his neurologist, his medication was adjusted and he no longer is dealing with the painful migraines. I'm so grateful because I hated seeing my big baby in pain and not being able to do anything.

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