Chapter Twenty (Part IV)

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Once I was done taking care of my business, I stepped out of the stall and proceeded to wash my hands at the sink. The loud creaking sound of the bathroom door opening, caused me to look up. My eyes met with his and my heart dropped to the pit of my stomach. We stood there staring at each other until I finally found my voice. "M-Marcus, what are you doing in here?" I asked him.

I was honestly shook but I was going to try my best not to let it show. He stood there staring at me with a small smirk on his face. "What are you doing in here?" I asked, repeating myself.

It wasn't like I was seeing him at the grocery store or at the gas station. This man was at a ticketed event, headlined by my mother. Inside of a private bathroom with me. This definitely wasn't a coincidence, it was clearly planned. It also let me know that he'd been watching my family and I closely.

"How you been, Li?" He asked, disregarding my question. I scoffed as I shook my head at him. This man was unbelievable.

"Fine." I responded simply. "Why are you here, Marcus? In the women's bathroom?" I asked him again.

"Dang, you're not gonna ask me how I've been doing? After the accident you just dropped me like a bad habit." He stated with a frown on his face. He was so fake. The fact that he was just casually standing here, talking to me like he hasn't tried to kill my family more than once.

"How've you been Demarcus?" I asked dryly.

"I've been good. Focused on getting healthy so I can get back on the field." He answered.

"Sounds good." I stated, not interested in what he was talking about. "What are you doing in here?" Repeating my question. The longer that I was in his presence, my fear was replaced with anger. This man has caused so much hell for my family and I.

"Why are you being so hostile?" He asked me. I sighed, knowing I was being a bitch to him. It was hard to act like I was clueless to all of the things he'd been putting my family through but I needed to play dumb so he wouldn't know we were on to what he was doing.

"Marcus, I'm not trying to be rude I just wanna know what was so important that you had to hunt me down in the women's bathroom? This is strange, don't you think?" I asked, in a more calm tone of voice.

"I was here to come see your mom and to hear her speak and I didn't know you'd be here. But I saw you get up and leave so I followed you in here. I just wanted to come speak to you." He answered, making me sigh.

"You followed me all the way into the women's bathroom just to come speak to me? I find that very hard to believe. Cut the bullshit. What do you really want, Demarcus?" I asked him.

"Still got that smart ass mouth." He smirked as he shook his head at me. "I'm telling you; I just wanted to come speak to you Li. You switched up on me and shit after I started getting better. You changed your number, you don't return my calls and you always avoid me so I did what I had to." He shrugged.

"Okay, well now that we've spoken to each other you can go now." I smiled politely.

"Naw, I can't do that." He mumbled, shaking his head.

"Why not? What do you want Demarcus?" I asked, getting irritated and frustrated with him.

"You." He stated simply as he locked eyes with me and began slowly taking steps toward me. Not only was I completely caught off guard by his bold response and his confident demeanor, I was shocked by it all. The fact that we were in the bathroom together topped it all off.

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