Chapter Nineteen

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"Hi, I'm here for Christopher Hawkins, he was brought in by an ambulance a few hours ago." I informed the receptionist behind the desk.

"He's actually been moved out of the ER and into ICU." She informed me, making my heart drop. I already knew that his condition wasn't good just from hearing that he was in Intensive Care. "Take the west wing to the fourth floor." She instructed us.

Unfortunately it had been at least two hours since Ms. Yolanda called me and informed me that Christopher was being transported to the hospital. I couldn't just get up and rush up here like I wanted to. I had to shower, put on some clothes, get my kids things together for school tomorrow, prepare lunches and get uniforms ready and then make the half hour drive here. I was just thankful there wasn't heavy traffic on the way here, due to it being in the middle of the night.

"Preciate it." I heard Trayveon say from behind me. I felt him grab my hand and intertwine our fingers together as he pulled me away from the desk. He led the way until we reached the elevator. "How you feeling? You okay?" He asked me as we waited for the elevator doors to open.

"I don't know." I responded honestly. "I think I'm in disbelief right now. I literally just saw this man a few hours ago, so it's kinda hard for me to grasp the fact that he's laying in a hospital bed right now." I admitted. "I'm just hoping for the best. All I can do is pray."

"I know that shit gotta be crazy." He mumbled, shaking his head as he allowed me to step on to the empty elevator first. I stood next to him and rested my head on his shoulder. Without me even asking, he wrapped his arms around me in a tight and loving embrace. "I'm here."
He stated simply, kissing my forehead. Those two simple words meant more to me than he probably knew.

"Thank you." I replied softly.

Once we finally reached the correct floor, we stepped off of the elevator and walked around the corner. "Imma just wait out here Mamas, call me if you need me." Trayveon spoke up as he hugged me tightly. "Take as much time as you need, I'll be here." He assured me.

"Thank you for coming with me, I love you." I told him as we separated from our embrace. It wasn't a big secret that Trayveon felt a certain way toward Chris but that fact that he's even willing to be here to support me shows that he really loves and cares for me.

"I love you more pretty girl." He replied, placing a soft and gentle kiss on my lips before he sat down in one of the chairs in the waiting area.

I approached the double doors leading to the Intensive Care Unit and pressed the button to be let in. Moments later; I stepped back and allowed the large double doors to swing open.
"May I help you?" One of the nurses spoke up, greeting me with a smile as I approached the nurses station.

"Hi, can you tell me what room Christopher Hawkins is in? I'm a family member." I told her. She was a petite blonde haired girl with clear skin and a pretty smile.

She looked down at her computer and typed a few things before looking back up at me. "411." She responded. "Down the hall, it'll be the last room on your left."

"Thank you." I replied, returning the smile as I followed the directions she gave me and made my way to the hospital room that Chris was in. I simply stood in front of the closed door for a moment, attempting to get myself together. I took a deep breath and placed my hand on the door handle, slowly pushing it open.

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