Chapter Eight

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After finally arriving at the hospital, we all camped out in the waiting room as we waited to hear any news regarding Mama's health. It was so many of us and we were deep as hell in here. There was a heaviness in the room because nobody really knew what was going on. Everybody was silent and I'm sure it was out of fear and nervousness.

We all waited for about an hour before a nurse finally came out and spoke with us. She didn't give us any information, or tell us anything at all. She simply escorted us to the back and took us to her room. She did inform us that Mama was conscious and could have visitors. I was ninety six percent sure that Mama asked her not to say anything about her health. We all went into the hospital room and I was the last to enter because I was holding the door open for everyone.

Once I was finally inside of the room, I noticed that Mama was in the bed with a small smile on her face. I couldn't understand the fact that even in a hospital bed she could still manage to have a smile on her face. This lady is not human. Cause ain't no way I'm smiling if I'm hooked up to an IV.

Everybody was quiet, not knowing what to say. Finally, Aaliyah spoke up. "Mama are you okay? Nobody told us anything. Do they know what's wrong? Are you pregnant?" She asked. I slowly made my way over to where she was because I knew that after Mama dropped this bomb on all of them, she wouldn't be any good. I knew how much Mookie meant to her and the news was going to break her heart.

"I'm sorry I scared y'all." She spoke up.

"Mookie, are you okay?" Trayveon, asked her directly.

"Yeah, you scared us but we just want you to be okay. That's all we care about. What did the doctor say? What's going on?" Jr. sighed.

"I didn't mean for y'all to find out this way but I guess now would be the right time to tell y'all since we're all together." She sighed. Nobody responded but you could definitely feel the atmosphere in the room change.

"I just wanna say, I told her to tell y'all sooner but she didn't listen so don't be mad at me." Chris spoke up. She looked at him and rolled her eyes, making me smirk as he shrugged his shoulders.

"About six months ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer. They saw a mass and they took a biopsy of it and the results came back that it was cancer. Thankfully they caught it in the early stages. I had a double mastectomy and I've been going through chemo treatments for the last two months. I passed out due to some of the side effects from the chemo. But, I am okay." She explained.

"You what?" Leilani yelled.

"No. No. No. No. Lord, not my baby. Not my baby." NaeNae cried out. It was like her knees got weak and buckled under her because she was headed to the ground. Thankfully, Tray was there to lift her up and support her before ushering her out of the room. Leaving Aaliyah, Leilani, Rashad, Justycee, Devon, Jr, Whitney, Chris, Ms. Yolanda, and I inside of the hospital room with Mama.

"Mookie no." Justycee gasped.

"Oh my God." Ms. Yolanda sighed as she clapped her hands together and put her hands to her head.

"Mama, you been sick all this time and didn't even tell us? Why didn't you say anything?" Jr. asked with a deep frown on his face.

"I didn't want y'all to worry." She admitted.

"Cancer?" I heard Aaliyah say quietly as she shook her head. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder, letting her know I was here. "All this time and you didn't tell us. We would've been here Mama! You know I would've been here!" She said raising her voice as tears spilled out of her eyes and down her cheeks.

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