Chapter Twenty (Part III)

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I woke up with the strong urge to use the bathroom. Since I was still half asleep, I blindly got out of the bed and walked across the hall to the guest bathroom. I had no clue what time it was, I just knew it was early. The sun wasn't even fully out yet. After handling my business, I made my way back into the guest bedroom that my kids and I had been sharing while staying here with Mama.

Upon entering the room; I made a discovery I wasn't aware of when I initially woke up. Not only was Maliyah in the bed, a man was in the bed next to her. The closer I got to the bed, I realized the man was Matthew. A small squeal of excitement escaped my lips. I didn't want to wake my kids but I was excited to see my man was here a day early. I was definitely shocked and pleasantly surprised to see him here.

I ran back into the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face and get myself together a little before waking him up. My man hadn't physically been in my presence in a week and I didn't want to greet him looking tore up and raggedy with smelly morning breath.

Once I put myself together a little, I got in bed. Maliyah was in the middle of us but I was not trying to share my man with her at the moment so I pushed her body to the side a little. I made sure there was a pillow beside her in case she startling rolling around in her sleep. Matthew was facing me so I took time to study him and really appreciate this beautiful black man that God blessed me with. I placed my hand on the side of his face, using my thumb to stroke his cheek as I admired him.

His chocolate brown skin was soft, smooth and blemish free, his skin always had a glow due to years of keeping a healthy diet, drinking water and staying moisturized. His eyelashes were long and thick enough to make me upset and jealous at the fact that I had to get lash extensions twice a month for my lashes to look like his. His plump lips were the perfect shape and size. They were so soft and kissable.

His beard was soft, lined up to perfection and trimmed. He had a whole routine dedicated solely to his beard. Shampoo, condition, comb out and detangle, rinse the conditioner out and apply beard butter. Matthew prided himself on keeping himself up and looking good. Weekly trips to the barber shop were to thank for the Godly sharp hairline and perfected beard that he possessed.

I used my free hand to grab his left hand and interlock our fingers together. His ring finger was bare but the bold tattoo of a crown and my initials were etched into his skin. His hands were rough and smooth at the same time. He had the hands of a working man but he kept them up with monthly trips to the nail salon to keep his nails and toes groomed and trimmed. I slowly brought his large hand up to my face and placed a gentle kiss on his knuckles.

My eyes dropped down to his exposed chest. He was shirtless, with only a pair of shorts to cover his lower half. Skillful tattoos covered his hard chest, firm torso and solid upper arms. He was in excellent shape and he maintained his physique by consistently working out and staying active.

Overall; my man was a very handsome, well groomed and kept man with a nice body. Not only was he something good to look at but he was faithful, respectful, honest, intelligent, hard working, integral, attentive, God fearing, charming and a family man. In addition to all of those great qualities, the sex was great. I was happy and content with my husband. It's not everyday woman are blessed with a good man like mine and I'm grateful.

I cupped the side of his face and placed a kiss to his lips. With my other hand, I rubbed his chest as I kissed him awake. "Morning baby girl." He greeted me with a small smile.

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