Chapter Twenty Two

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👀 Y'all, it's been a while but I'm baaaack. I apologize for my long absence but I have a valid excuse this time so please forgive me lol. Thank you all for your concerns, well wishes and prayers. My family and I are all doing well and I hope the same for each of you. I'm in a new season in life and things are veryyyy different and a lot more busy, but in a good way. 🙃


Mookie and I were currently trying to get back to Texas as soon as possible. After the phone call that she got from Tasha, I knew that she wanted to be with her family so I packed our shit up as quickly as I could and we got on the road and headed back to Texas in the middle of the night.

Her emotions were high and she was very distraught so I was trying my best to keep her calm and level headed.

Her brother, Emanuel was attacked by multiple other inmates and he was facing multiple life threatening injuries. Not only was he physically beaten by several different individuals, but he was stabbed numerous times as well. He had to be flown to the nearest hospital and rushed into emergency surgery. At this point, they didn't even know if he was going to make it out of surgery alive. It wasn't looking good for him at all and at this point he needed a miracle.

I glanced over at her, seeing she was literally curled up in a ball in the passenger seat. Her body was shaking and her face was red. It tore me up inside knowing she was hurt and there was nothing I could do to take her pain away. "I'm sorry you have to go through this." I stated softly. I felt helpless. She nodded her head in acknowledgment but didn't respond.

When she first got the news she was in shock and disbelief. She was emotionless as we got cleaned up and dressed. But once the reality of the situation settled while we were packing our bags to leave, she became hysterical and distraught. Hearing her crying and sobbing did something to me within. It dead ass hurt my heart to hear her cry like that. I could literally hear the hurt and pain in her cries. Hell, it made me wanna cry with her.

My hand rested on her thigh, rubbing it in a soothing and comforting manner. The sounds of her hiccuping, sniffling and erratic breathing filled the space of the car. "God please don't take my brother. Please don't take him. Please don't. Please." For a moment; her crying had leveled out to only sniffles but I could tell that she was thinking the worst and working herself up again. Her cries began to get much louder to the point that she was hyperventilating.  

I knew Mookie loved all of her family but she was closest to Emanuel. Her older brother was definitely her soft spot so I could only imagine how this was really affecting her mentally and emotionally. Especially not knowing if he would make it out alive or not.

"Baby, you gotta calm down. Breathe Mamas." I coached her, grabbing her hand tightly and rubbing my thumb across her hand. I glanced at her briefly before focusing my attention back on the road. "Deep breaths. In ya nose, out ya mouth Mamas." I instructed her.

Seeing that my advice was not helping her and that she was too far gone into her emotions, I did what I knew how to do. I put my hand on the top of her head and prayed over her.

When I didn't know how to pray for myself, she did it for me. For years, it was her prayers that guided me through life. Even when we weren't in each other's lives, her prayers were still keeping me alive and covered. Now, it was my turn to pray for her when she couldn't pray for herself.

"Heavenly Father; I come to you with a heavy heart. God you know all about the situation and the circumstances. I come lifting Mookie and her entire family up to you right now. They need peace of mind and understanding that only you can give. Ease their doubts and calm all their fears. Comfort them and assure them that you're able to do all things. Surround them with your loving presence. God we know you to be a healer and that's what we need. Man needs a supernatural and divine healing that only you can give. Be with Emanuel; give his body the strength and power he needs to fight. Sustain him and keep him. Have mercy on him and give him grace. Be with his doctors and care givers, let them be skillful. Let them be alert and at their best as they give care to Emanuel. We know that ultimately you have the final say and we know you're able to do the impossible. Let us come out victorious in this situation and we'll praise you for it. God we're thanking you in advance. Amen." I prayed. It took her a little while but she was finally able to calm herself down.

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