Chapter Twenty (Part I)

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Hey y'all, it's been a while 😩 There's a very important Author's Note at the end of this chapter, please read it. Thank you, enjoy 🖤


"What you doing here, Mook?" Chris asked me as he attempted to sit up. I could tell he was a little confused and disoriented. The medication they had him on to manage his pain caused him to sleep a lot. Even when he wasn't sleep, he was still extremely drowsy.

"I wanted to give your mom a break so I took the day off." I responded.

"Y'all baby sitting me like a lil kid." He laughed lightly as he adjusted himself in his bed. "Y'all know I don't mind being up here by myself. I'm sleep most of the time anyway. You didn't have to take off from work." He continued fussing.

"Just say thank you Chris." I responded as I rolled my eyes at him. "You need anything?" I asked standing up from my comfortable pallet I made on the couch. I'd grown accustomed to spending time in the hospital so I knew what I needed to be comfortable. "You Hungry? You cold? Thirsty?" I asked him.

"I'm a lil cold." He responded. Him being cold was new, he was rarely ever cold. I went over to the storage cabinet and pulled out one of the Sherpa blankets that we brought from home. I placed it over his body and fluffed his pillows to make sure that he was comfortable.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him.

"I'm alright, just tired of being in this bed." He mumbled making me nod my head. I definitely understood that.

"I bet." I responded truthfully. Chris has been in the hospital for over a week and he hasn't been out of this bed not once. His body was extremely weak so he was a fall risk and with him being so damn big and heavy, they didn't want to take that chance. Who was gonna be able to pick his big ass up? Definitely not me. "Maybe I can talk to your nurse about you walking around a little." I suggested to him.

"Maybe." He mumbled, reaching for the pitcher of water that was on his hospital tray next to his bed. He lifted the straw to his lips and took a few sips before placing it back on the tray.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him.

"Nah, I'm good. My throat just a little dry." He replied, causing me to raise my eyebrow.

"Christopher you need to at least try to eat something." I fussed at him. "That's probably why you're so weak."

"I don't have an appetite." He responded.

"Well you're gonna have one today." I rebutted as I placed my hand on my hip and stared him down, daring him to say something different. If I had to force feed him my damn self, he was gonna eat today. "They're gonna put you on a feeding tube if you don't start eating." I warned him, making him sigh. "Do you want anything specific?" I asked him.

"It don't matter, anything is fine with me. You know what I like." He responded, causing me to nod my head.

I slipped my feet into my black Ugg slippers, grabbed my phone and wallet. "I'll be back." I told him. I unplugged his cell phone from the charger and placed it on the tray next to him. "Call me if you need me." I left the hospital and drove to some of Chris' favorite places. Since he wasn't on a restricted diet, he didn't have to eat hospital food and could eat whatever.

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