Chapter Fifteen

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If you haven't gone back to read the newly edited version of Trust Issues, you're NOT familiar with Trayveon's character or the relationship he had with Mookie and her family. He is a NEW character, his character was NOT in the book until I started making revisions. So, for those of you saying; you remember this and that, but haven't gone back to read the new version, you don't. He didn't exist until I added him in while doing the revisions.

With that being said; if you haven't read the edited version of the first book, then you don't have a clear understanding of the bond that Trayveon shared with everyone and it'll make it hard for you to understand certain things.

Therefore; to get the best viewpoint on the situation, it's best to go back and read the first book. To be able to give informed and correct feedback. I see a lot of confusion in the comments; to avoid not knowing what you're talking about, I advise you to please go read the edited version to have a clear and concrete understanding.

If you're not interested in reading the whole edited version of the book but still want to get acquainted with Trayveon's character, I'll list chapters that he's heavily involved in. Chapter 16 Trayveon and Mookie met for the first time, chapter 17 they coincidently ran into each other, chapters 21 & 22 they hung out, chapter 28 they became close, chapters 36 and on they started building their bond. Any questions? Let me know ...

Enjoy the chapter & thanks for reading 😘


"Morning babe." I smiled, leaning up to kiss Matthew. It was the morning of Maliyah's first birthday party and I had been an emotional wreck since last night. My baby was a whole one year old, it seemed like it was yesterday when I was having her.

"Hey baby girl." He smirked, kissing my lips and then my forehead. He stood behind me, resting both of his hands on my belly. I felt him rest his chin on the top of my head. I smiled as he began rocking our bodies side to side as I continued cooking breakfast.

"We done after these two?" I asked, referring to our son and daughter that were currently growing in my belly. In less than two months, I would be a wife and mother of three.

"That depends on if I can pullout fast enough or not." He chuckled, making me shake my head. It wasn't in my plans to have anymore children but if God blessed me with more, I'd definitely embrace them with love.

"Morning!" Mama sang as she carried Maliyah into the kitchen on her hip. "Look who it issss!" She sang, tickling Maliyah's belly and making her laugh. We all spent the night at Whitney's house because Maliyah's party was being held at our house. She kicked us out for the week so she could get everything decorated and set up without us in the way of her and her crew.

"Awww. Look at the birthday girl!" I cooed.

"Happy Birthday Princess." Matt smiled, taking her out of my mom's arms and planting kisses all over her face, making her giggle. I smiled, watching them interact. I always thought that I was too jealous and selfish to have kids, but after having Maliyah, I realized the love I have for her is a different type of love that I've never experienced. I'm so grateful for her and I really couldn't imagine life without her.

"How you feeling?" Mama asked.

"Emotional." I admitted, making her chuckle.

"Time flies." She smiled, leaning against the island and crossing her arms over her chest. "I always lose my mind on the first birthday and their first day of school. Be crying for days. Oh Lord, let's not even talk about graduation." She joked, making me laugh.

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