Chapter Sixteen

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"Thank you God!" I cried as I held my baby. I couldn't control my emotions and the moment I saw him, I broke down in tears. I was grateful, thankful and so appreciative. My baby could've been dead. I could feel Jaydon squeezing me tightly as his tears hit my neck. We stood there for what felt like hours, just hugging each other and crying.

"I'm so glad that you're okay son." I sniffled as I stared at him, cupping his face in my hands. I couldn't help myself as I pulled his body into mine for another hug. "Thank you God, thank you God, thank you God." I kept repeating as tears flowed down my cheeks. I was bursting with gratitude and I honestly felt like running around this room, thanking God. For right now, I had to hold my composure but on Sunday morning I'm running sprints around the church.

"Me too Mama." I heard him mumble. "God is real man. I could've been gone." He sniffled as he shook his head. "Ma, thank you for all those prayers that you said for me and for covering me. I know that's why I'm still here. God still has a plan for my life and he's not finished with me yet, that's why he kept me here. I know for sure that I have a purpose." Hearing him say that, really did something to me.

In raising my children, I didn't force religion on them. I tried to be the best example for them; I prayed for and with them and often spoke to them about God but never threw it at them. I wanted them to all have their own individual experience with him. I wanted my children to make the choice to have their own personal relationship with God. Hearing my baby speak freely about God was so rewarding and it was such a good feeling.

"Yes baby, you're so right. God is not through with you yet and you have so much more life to live. I love you more than life itself and I'm so glad that God blocked what the devil had in store for you." I replied as more tears filled my eyes and he kissed my forehead.

I finally released Jaydon, allowing his siblings the opportunity to love on him. "Thank you for stepping in and being the natural protector that you are. I'm so grateful that you were able to be here for Jaydon. He's blessed to have you as a brother and I'm so thankful for you. I don't know what I'd do without my boys." I cried as I held Jaylon tightly.

Since I was in a whole different state from the boys when everything took place, they didn't really have anybody. Jaylon stepped up and he was there for his brother in every single way possible. He wasn't usually one to show his emotions and I knew it was hard for him to be emotionally supportive for his brother and I but he did it.

The reason I stayed in Texas to do my booking was because Jaylon assured me that he had everything handled. He made me feel secure that he could take care of his brothers needs and he did. Hell he even calmed my hysterical and distraught self over the phone so I knew he was more than capable of making sure his brother was straight. I was grateful to him for that and I appreciated it so much.

"I'm just who you raised me to be Ma, that's all." He replied, rubbing my back.

"I did a good job, huh?" I joked, making him nod his head and crack a smile. "I love you so much." I mumbled, wiping my tears.

"Love you more Ma." He replied, kissing the top of my head and draping his arm around my shoulders. After we got a chance to hug and love on each other, I immediately got started on making dinner so it would be ready by the time everybody arrived. I started on my greens and black eyed peas first because I knew they would take the longest. Everybody requested a food item so by the time everybody told me what they wanted, I had a full Sunday meal to cook and it was a weekday.

Baked chicken and dressing, macaroni and cheese, yams, greens with ham hocks, black eyed peas with turkey necks, cabbage, green beans, banana pudding and cornbread.

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