Reading between the lines

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good times for some, 

bad times for one 

surrounded by his group of friends, 

whilst his parents went away for a romantic trip. 

Look after your sister! they demanded,

chug chug chug chug chug chug, 

all his peers shouted,

his initiation, or his intimidation, 

chug chug chug chug chug chug,  

or you will not fit in, 

it doesn't matter that it is AA meetings you are supposed to be in. 

It was a good time for his friends, 

an empty house where they could all go wild, 

whilst they fed his addiction, 

and fuelled the fears of a child. 

A driven-young teen 

just received 5 A's in her GSCE'S, 

and whilst some yearned for her marks, 

she was more concerned about her one D, 

a clean-sheet was the way she avoided the screams, 

a demand to do well 

isn't as good as it seems, 

she envied the boy who was crying over his C's, 

he cannot get into university, 

but not going to university was embedded in her dreams. 

She was due to be married, 

and every-one expected nothing less than for her to be happy, 

but she was loathing in sadness at the thought of her inevitable divorce, 

a woman cannot be expected to be happy to marry, 

when the marriage was forced. 

As she took each step closer to her cage as she walked down the aisle, 

everyone but her had their faces wiped with a smile, 

she hoped for the biggest diamond ring their could be, 

the type of diamond that would sink her to the sea. 

All the men envied him, 

he had woman fighting to be on one of his arms, 

he had every lady panting like it was a hot summers-day, 

the men envied his charms. 

But even then, the man had little to say, 

as although most other men wanted what he had, 

he didn't want things this way, 

with each lady he had to fake love for, 

their was a price to pay, 

all he wanted was to feel safe in coming out as gay. 

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