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Since the day we met 

I wondered if it was butterflies or moths fluttering in my stomach

Would you leave a hole behind? 

Was what you were saying matching with the flutters in your mind? 

Everyday since we've met 

I gave you an extra piece of my heart as I fell more and more in love 

My heart became less and less 

But no amounts of my heart ever seemed enough 

Since the day you've left 

A void aches where my heart used to be

My pulse echos through what's now empty 

Why couldn't you leave some of my heart for me? 

A moth infestation, eating me alive, leaving behind nothing for me. 

Since the day we met 

The small amounts of love you gave were as addictive as cocaine 

I could never ever get enough 

and without you, I was left insane

Everyday we met 

My fix of you got harder and harder to please 

I was unhappy with how you made me feel 

But I knew I couldn't cope if I ever saw you leave 

Since the day you've left 

I've been rocking, biting my nails down to the skin 

Just one more taste of your poison

Your toxic touch I'm forgetting 

Each bite of me you took,  as tasteful as the last 

But you ate so much of me 

That I have nothing left to give, and now that you have all of me 

I am the one left to fast 

I am the one left with having to rebuild a whole new heart 

This is why toxic love will never last 

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